Home » Udinese – Marco Silvestri speaks: “Donnarumma is a fan of mine”

Udinese – Marco Silvestri speaks: “Donnarumma is a fan of mine”

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Udinese – Marco Silvestri speaks: “Donnarumma is a fan of mine”

The team led by Sottil is preparing for the next match match. Meanwhile Marco Silvestri talks about his relationship with the national team

The goalkeeper who arrived two summers ago from Hellas Verona had his say about his relationship with the national team in an exclusive interview with Sky Sport. We’re talking about a player who has really been performing exceptionally in recent seasons. Roberto Mancini’s call would probably also be the crowning achievement of his dream and of the great work done. Precisely during his words with the television station, he specified various aspects of his career and also his relationship with certain players who currently play with the Azzurri. Here you are Marco Silvestri’s statements.

Gigio is a fan of minein the sense that he likes me as a goalkeeper then oh well we also have a good bond of friendship, so in my opinion he would like to have me with him in the national team”. only a dream, but he hopes it can become something real and tangible. For the moment, however, he almost has to settle for a dream, but one that the goalkeeper has no intention of abandoning and indeed wants to continue to cultivate. Speaking of dreams this is how Marco Silvestri imagines his first training experience in Coverciano.

The premonitory dream

“Time ago I spoke to Gigio Donnarumma, since we talk often. I dreamed that we were on retreat for the national team and Gigio himself was sending me messages to let me know that he was waiting for me at dinner. So it’s something that’s always there, pretty strong”. The interview with the goalkeeper concludes with these words. Now you can’t miss all the latest in view of the next league match. take in the middle of the field. Two places available for three holders <<

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