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Ukraine latest news. USA, green light for new sanctions against Russia. Biden, ok Ukrainian pilot training on F-16 fighters

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Ukraine latest news.  USA, green light for new sanctions against Russia.  Biden, ok Ukrainian pilot training on F-16 fighters

Kiev: «Russians deploy thousands more soldiers to Bakhmut»

The Russian armed forces, in Bakhmut, “cannot win with quality, but with quantity” and for this reason they have increased the presence of troops “by several thousand people” as well as trying “to exploit his advantage in artillery heavy and in the number of bullets”. This was claimed on Facebook by the Ukrainian Deputy Minister of Defense Hanna Malyar adding that, in the city of Donetsk, “the very fierce fighting continues”.

«Russian troops continue to attack at the cost of heavy losses, which disproportionately exceed ours», says Malyar as he explains that «the buildings are reduced to ashes» and that only «the foundations, impossible to defend», remain. However, today, the Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minister states that in the city “the pace of the advance of our troops is a little slower today”, even if, at the same time, “the enemy is unable to reconquer lost positions.

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