Home » Juve: the season is bankruptcy, Allegri’s trial

Juve: the season is bankruptcy, Allegri’s trial

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Juve: the season is bankruptcy, Allegri’s trial

The Juve is defeated and eliminated by Sevilla in the semi-final of the Europa League. The last objective of the season vanishes and the lack of access to the final of the tournament certifies the bankruptcy of the bianconeri. Juve, never in the running for the Scudetto won early by Napoli, like a year ago ends the year empty handed. In the league, second place in Serie A and qualification for the 2023-24 European cups are at risk due to a new penalty.

“Passes for guys with little international experience”

The coach Massimiliano Allegri analyze the match that made the dream of winning the Europa League fade (after the bitter elimination from the Champions League in October). “When you play these very important matches, the details make the difference. These matches are passes that the team must make, above all guys who have little international experience. We paid for the second goal, we could have done it on 2-1,” he says Sky. From Saturday we have to put our heads back into the championship, because we have to finish second. Sorry we didn’t go to the final, the boys deserved it this year. More than this the team could not do. I have nothing to reproach. Next year they will have more international matches and they will improve on the details,” she says again.

Allegri in the sights of the fans

Next year is likely to be another year zero for the Old Lady. The hypothesis of not playing the European cupsdue to the effects of the sports justice proceedings, is concrete. The market, which could be managed by Cristiano Giuntoli arriving from Naples, it would be conditioned by the absence of continental competition. And then there is Allegri, who has a contract for another 2 years, but has long since ended up in the sights of his fans. Protected by a very rich contract until 2025, the Tuscan coach in two seasons he proposed a disappointing “product”. in form and substance. Even the “short muzzle” theory no longer seems so effective and the quality of football offered by Juve was certainly not high.

Di Maria and Vlahovic to AC, Pogba always broke

There is then the rose problem which had been hypothesized to be a instant team to win now. Angel DiMaria and Paul Pogba, arrived on a free transfer, they should have raised the technical and experience rate of the team. The Argentine ended up ‘using Juve’ as a rtribute to the World Cup (later won in Qatar). The “Octopus” French has practically never played due to constant injuries. AND Dusan Vlahovicpaid around 80 million a year ago, this season he experienced long anonymous periods, convoluted and awkward in a team that often left him to himself. Frederick Church he is the faded copy of the player admired before the serious injury accused in January 2022. The only happy note, at least in part, is the young players proposed: from Fagioli to Miretti, up to Iling Junior. Now, the crossroads: the green line could become even more central to the future of the team and the club struggling with a complex financial situation.

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