Home » Ukraine, reporters Bosco and Sceresini blocked in Kiev. Order of Journalists: “The Farnesina is active”

Ukraine, reporters Bosco and Sceresini blocked in Kiev. Order of Journalists: “The Farnesina is active”

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Ukraine, reporters Bosco and Sceresini blocked in Kiev.  Order of Journalists: “The Farnesina is active”

The authorities of Kiev deprived the two journalists of their press accreditations alfredo bosco e Andrea Sceresiniboth collaborators of FqMillennium, e in Ukraine from last year to document the conflict. Il measure, as they explained in a letter, prevents them from moving freely in the country “especially in the areas near the front, and the real risk of being arrested at the first checkpoint”. At first the authorities had communicated that they would be questioned by the Sbuthe Security Service of Ukraine, a Kramatorsk. Then, in Kiev. But they have not received any communication since then and are still blocked. At the moment we do not know the official reasons for the notification of the authorities, but Bosco e Sceresini they explained “that the rumors that have spread among the fixer Ukrainians who work in the Donbass – and of whom we have written proof – indicate us as “collaborators of the enemy”, an accusation that in a war zone can have very serious consequences”.

To ask the Farnesina to take action to solve the case is Charles Bartoli, president of the National Council of the Order of Journalists, who invites the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to “ascertain the situation and guarantee the two compatriots conditions of safety and practicability to be able to carry out their work”. Bartoli also reports that “according to the lawyer Alessandra Ballerini – who assists them and who published a letter on the Article21 website – the two journalists should be interrogated by the “Ukrainian” security services having carried out some reports on the situation in the Donbass“. She also intervened on the case Sabrina Pignedoli, MEP of the Movimento 5 Stelle, who defines “the revocation of accreditations by the Ukrainian authorities as a serious violation of press freedom”. And remember that “last February 14 to another Italian journalist, Salvatore Garzillowas prevented from entering Ukraine from the Poland and a similar experience had befallen the reporter in 2022 Lorenzo Giroffi. For two weeks the two reporters have been stuck in Kiev. We ask the institutions of the European Union – he concludes – to make their voices heard on this case, which concerns the freedom of the press and that of being informed”. With GiroffiSceresini published in 2015 Ukraine. The War That Isn’t There (Baldini+Castoldi). For FqMillenniumafter the release of the volume, the two authors recounted the origins of the war. Bosco also collaborated with Daily fact.

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