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Ukraine – Russia conflict, in the present day’s information.

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Ukraine – Russia conflict, in the present day’s information.

Zelensky-Biden assembly quickly. Ukrainian president cancels go to to Madrid. Kremlin: “No Western armament will save Kiev.” After the huge assaults by the Russian military, the state of affairs within the Kharkiv area is more and more troublesome, to the purpose that Ukrainian President Volodymir Zelensky determined to withdraw troops from some areas. Putin warns: “Open to negotiations, however they take our pursuits under consideration.” Meanwhile, after the shock go to to Kiev by the US Secretary of State The blinkthe US raises the alarm: “Concerned in regards to the state of affairs” and the president Biden works to ship Patriot missiles to Ukraine.


Kiev, we have now stopped the advance on Kharkiv

The Ukrainian military claims to have stopped the Russian “advance” in components of the Kharkiv area, the place Moscow launched a shock assault on May 10, occupying new territory.
“The state of affairs within the Kharkiv sector stays difficult and is growing dynamically. Our protection forces managed to partially stabilize the state of affairs, the enemy’s advance in some areas and localities was stopped, however he’s nonetheless making an attempt to create the circumstances for additional advances,” he stated. The spokesman for the Ukrainian forces within the area, Nazar Voloshin, reported this on tv.


Russia launched a analysis spacecraft for an anti-satellite nuclear weapon two years in the past, US officers say

Russia launched a satellite tv for pc into house in February 2022 designed to check parts of a possible anti-satellite weapon that might carry a nuclear gadget, U.S. officers stated. The launched satellite tv for pc doesn’t carry a nuclear weapon. But U.S. officers say it’s linked to the continuation of Russia’s nuclear anti-satellite program that has been a rising concern to the Biden administration, Congress and consultants outdoors the federal government in latest months.

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The weapon, if deployed, would give Moscow the power to destroy a whole bunch of satellites in low Earth orbit with a nuclear explosion. The satellite tv for pc in query, often called Cosmos-2553, was launched on February 5, 2022 and continues to be touring round Earth in an uncommon orbit.


Putin: Russia-China relations are “stability issue” on the earth

President Vladimir Putin informed his counterpart Xi Jinping that China-Russia ties are “elements of stability” for the world. He stated this through the talks that occurred in Beijing, within the People’s Palace, the seat of presidency, in accordance with Russian TV studies.
“Relations between Russia and China should not opportunistic and should not directed towards anybody,” Putin stated. “Our cooperation in worldwide points is likely one of the stabilizing elements within the worldwide area.”


Xi Jinping: China and Russia “will defend justice on the earth”

Chinese President Xi Jinping informed his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, who arrived in Beijing on his first international go to of his fifth time period, that China and Russia will “protect justice on the earth.” This was introduced by the Foreign Ministry shortly after the beginning of the assembly between the 2 leaders.
“Despite some ups and downs, our relationships have strengthened and stood the take a look at of the altering worldwide panorama. We set instance for different powers by way of respect and openness. The growth of our ties fosters peace, stability and prosperity within the area and on the earth,” Xi stated through the assembly which occurred behind closed doorways. “We will proceed to strengthen our friendship and advocate for justice on the earth.”

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Putin in Tiananmen Square, heat handshake with Xi

Russian President Vladimir Putin has arrived in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square forward of a welcoming ceremony, the primary occasion of his two-day state go to to China. The Kremlin chief was welcomed by President Xi Jinping with whom he exchanged a heat handshake, in accordance with photographs broadcast stay by the state community CCTV.
The ceremony, which is about to start, has been ready outdoors the east door of the Great Hall of the People the place a smaller-scale army parade will likely be staged, the one reserved on the Chinese aspect for illustrious company.


Ukraine: strain on the USA to strike in Russian territory

Ukraine is placing new strain on the USA to persuade the Biden administration to revoke the ban on utilizing American-made weapons to strike on Russian territory: Politico writes this, claiming {that a} group of deputies of the Verkhovna Rada are in latest days at Washington. “The primary drawback proper now’s the White House’s coverage of limiting our skill” to strike army targets inside Russia, David Arakhamia, chairman of the ruling Servant of the People celebration, stated in Washington yesterday.
According to the publication, Ukrainians try to enlist the help of the US Congress to place strain on the White House. But President Joe Biden’s administration doesn’t intend to vary his place but.
“We present help for protection, not for offensive operations on the territory of the Russian Federation,” an unnamed US official stated.


China-Russia: Putin arrived in Beijing on a state go to

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Russian President Vladimir Putin has arrived in Beijing. This is the primary go to overseas by the Russian head of state after his re-election and inauguration, the second to China in lower than a 12 months. Putin will meet his counterpart Xi Jinping, who has simply made a visit to Europe, the place the Chinese chief as soon as once more confronted strain from the West to persuade the Kremlin chief to finish his offensive in Ukraine.

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