Home » Ukraine-Russia war, the news of May 8 | Ukraine under attack, Russian drones against Kiev and Odessa: wounded

Ukraine-Russia war, the news of May 8 | Ukraine under attack, Russian drones against Kiev and Odessa: wounded

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Ukraine-Russia war, the news of May 8 |  Ukraine under attack, Russian drones against Kiev and Odessa: wounded

• L’aircraft alarm is played throughout theUkraine in the late evening of May 7, then in the cities of Kiev e Odessa loud explosions were heard.
• A Bakhmut fighting is still going on, according to some observers Russian troops they would be on the attack in the hope of conquer the city before the celebrations of Victory Day of May 9, the anniversary of the Nazi capitulation in the second World War.
• A Zaporizhzhia the evacuation of civilians ordered by Muska, over 1500 people are leaving the city.
• The Ukrainian Air Force admits to having shot down a hypersonic missile.

06:33 am – Kissinger: the crisis in Ukraine at a turning point, possible negotiations

Henry Kissinger, the former US secretary of state, believes the current crisis in Ukraine may be approaching a tipping point. “Now that China has entered the negotiations, I think it will reach a climax by the end of the year,” he said in an interview with CBS News. “We will talk about negotiation processes and even real negotiations,” he added. “What if a president came to me and told me to fly to Moscow to talk to Putin? I’d be inclined to do that. But I would be an adviser, not an active person,” he replied.

06:28 – Kiev: Ukraine attacked in the night with 35 drones, all shot down

Last night the Russians attacked Ukraine with 35 Iranian-made kamikaze drones, all of which were destroyed by flak. This was communicated by the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in a post on Facebook. «On the night of May 8, 2023, the enemy again attacked Ukraine, using Iranian-made Shahed attack UAVs. Our defenders destroyed 35 out of 35 drones,” reads the post. According to local media reports, there have also been missile attacks by Russian ships in the Black Sea, including Pavlhorad among the targeted cities.

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03:04 – Russian missiles on Odessa, hit a food warehouse

Missiles hit the city of Odessa in southern Ukraine. The attack – according to reports from the “South” Operational Command of the Ukrainian army – was launched by the air force. «The enemy launched a missile attack on Odessa from strategic aircraft. He aimed X-22 missiles at a food company warehouse and recreation area on the Black Sea coast,” reads a Facebook post.

03:03 am – Attack on Kiev, five wounded

Five were injured following the night air attack on Kiev, conducted with numerous drones. This was stated by the mayor of the Ukrainian capital, Vitalii Klitschko, on Telegram. Three people were injured in Solomyansky district and two in Sviatoshyn district. Debris from the downed anti-aircraft drones damaged a gas pipeline and a fuel depot, according to reports from the Ukrainian military. Emergency crews attended the scene

02:00 – Debris from a Russian drone fell on the runway of Zhulyany airport

«In Solomyansk district, debris from a drone hit by flak fell on the runway of Zhulyany airport. There are no fires.” The governor of the Kiev region, Serhiy Popko, writes on Telegram, referring to the night air attack on the Ukrainian capital. Zhulyany Airport is Kiev’s second airport and closed to scheduled flights after the Russian invasion in February 2022.

01:42 am – Explosions in Kiev, the mayor: “Four injured”

«Three people were injured at the site of the explosion in Solomyansky district and one in Svyatoshynskyi. Medical assistance is provided on the spot.’ The mayor of Kiev, Vitalii Klitschko, writes on Telegram about the night air attack on the Ukrainian capital. According to what the governor of the Kiev region Serhiy Popko writes in Telegram, “as a result of debris that fell in the courtyard of a residential building, a car was hit and caught fire”. Also more debris landed on a residential building.

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01:27 am – MILITARY POINT 446 – Ukraine, a Patriot shot down Putin’s hypersonic missile (but there are too many expectations on the offensive)

(by Andrea Marinelli and Guido Olimpio) The Patriot system shot down a Russian Kinzhal hypersonic missile: the episode was first denied and then celebrated by the Ukrainians, as if it were the outcome of a battle. A satisfaction motivated by the emergency: for months Kiev admitted that it had no answers against vectors launched on cities and factories.

The KH47 M2 – this is the acronym – is one of the new weapons publicly praised by Vladimir Putin. Launchable from a MIG 31 fighter flying over Russian territory, it is very manoeuvrable and fast, making it difficult to counter. The Armada started using it after the invasion along with other ordnance in the campaign of terror and destruction. The Ukrainians have deployed the few apparatuses available, unable to stop this type of threat as well as that of the Iskanders. (…)

01:08 – The mayor of Kiev: the wreckage of a drone fell

The wreckage of a drone fell in the Sviatoshyn district. All services went on site. We are clarifying the information on any injuries and victims. The mayor of Kiev, Vitalii Klitschko, writes on Telegram on the ongoing air attack on the capital of Ukraine.

00:25 – Explosions in Kiev, air defense in action

The military administration of the city of Kiev reports that air defense is in operation, while the media reports of explosions ringing in the capital.

Ukrainska Pravda reports of an air raid alarm sounded in almost all of Ukraine and in Kiev while explosions were recorded in Odessa following a Russian air raid

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