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Ukraine, the conflict is at a crossroads: either the negotiation or the third world war

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Ukraine, the conflict is at a crossroads: either the negotiation or the third world war

One year after its inception, the war in Ukraine it has reached a turning point. The ongoing war, in which the superpowers are facing each other, has kept up to now the military characteristics of a regional war, which is being fought along a single front line, in the Ukraine. Despite the very obvious international implications and the fact that the origins of the war are completely determined by the clash between the superpowersto this day, this conflict has remained a militarily delimited conflict: a senseless massacre which takes place on a kind of stage and of which ā€“ on a daily basis ā€“ we are informed and uninformed with the circulation of photos, maps, videos and so on. A kind of bloody tug of war that has taken on the characteristics of positional warfare.

From the western part, until now, the Ukrainian government supplies the troops and NATO, starting from the USA, le weapons. The personnel to govern the sophisticated weapon systems and leaders of the Ukrainian military. It is therefore to all intents and purposes a proxy conflict in which, however, until now, in supplying arms, NATO has been careful to prevent Ukraine from attack directly the historically defined Russian soil.

This conflict, delimited on the military level, which does not give rise to others front lines was exactly the wish of the US leadership when the war began: as stated by Hillary Clinton, it was a question of embedding Russia in a “European Afghanistan” in order to bleed it financially and to precipitate Putin’s consensus at home leading to regime change in Russia and – in the most explicit positions – to his dissolution.

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One year later, not only have the political goals of the West failed, given that the Russian economy has not collapsed and Putin’s consensus has not collapsed, but the military goals: the war of position, regional, on the ground, is being won by the Russians. This war, based in particular on the use of artillery, sees a superiority of the Russian army which – after a year – translates into a dramatic carnage suffered by the Ukrainian army and also in greater Western difficulty in ensuring the supply of ammunition and weapon systems. Only one digit to account for what is happening: the Ukrainian army shoots an average of every day 6000 cannon shells and it seems unlikely that in the coming months NATO will be able to supply him with a greater quantity of daily shells. The Russian army fires more than 20,000 artillery shells every day. It has reached peaks of 60,000 projectiles a day and is backed by an industrial sector capable of guaranteeing the average.

Going on like this it is quite evident who is in the conditions to win this ā€œregionalā€ war. Beyond the propaganda, Western rulers have a clear understanding of this situation and are objectively placed before a crossroads: either to open a negotiation stage to diplomatically resolve the conflict quickly or implement a escalation military which directly involves the troops of some NATO countries, which chooses to engage weapon systems capable of systematically attacking Russian soil, which gives life to other fronts (for example, also transforming the Moldavia in a new battlefield).

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Either the negotiation or the third world war, that is the crossroads! As is quite evident the NATO leadership team, with its high-sounding proclamations, has chosen the path of escalation of the conflict. He also found in the Polish and Romanian governments the willingness to join Zelensky in providing cannon fodder to continue the massacre.

This is where we come into play: the majority of western peoples ā€“ starting from the Italian one ā€“ is not available to go to war and deems it necessary to open the negotiation. European rulers know this and shamelessly lie about the progress of the war and the risks we face. It is time for this majority of populations to make themselves heard to impose the cessation of military supplies and propose the cease-fire. There is no other way to avoid catastrophe!

The rulers know they cannot go to war against the popular will, for this they lie and hide. For this reason, demonstrations for peace are crucial to putting an end to the conflict. Let’s make our voice heard and meet Saturday 25 March in Genoa replying toappeal of port workers for a great pacifist demonstration that will stop the madness of the escalation, silence the guns and impose the negotiation. Saturday in Genoa and Berlin we will demonstrate for the pace: let’s build a mobilization in every city to prevent military escalation!

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