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Ukrainian Defense Forces Report Modest Territorial Gains Amidst Russian Attacks

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Ukrainian Defense Forces Report Modest Territorial Gains Amidst Russian Attacks

Title: Ukrainian Forces Report Modest Territorial Gains in Bakhmut amid Russian Invasion

Date: April 13, 2023

Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minister, Hanna Maliar, confirmed during a press conference on Monday morning that Ukrainian authorities had achieved some territorial gains around the city of Bakhmut. Additionally, she acknowledged Russian attacks on settlements in the Zaporizhia region.

According to reports, the Ukrainian Defense Forces successfully liberated two square kilometers of territory in the Bakhmut sector over the past week. This recent achievement brings the total area liberated to 37 square kilometers since the start of the Ukrainian counter-offensive early last month.

Maliar emphasized the ongoing Ukrainian offensives in areas south of Bakhmut, highlighting the troops’ success. She noted that Russian forces persist in focusing their primary efforts in various directions, including Kupyansk, Lyman, Bakhmut, Avdiivka, and Mariinka. The Deputy Defense Minister mentioned there have been more than 170 battles in these areas.

Providing further details, Maliar revealed that Russia’s attempt to drive Ukrainian troops out of the Serebryansky Forest in the Lyman sector had been unsuccessful. Similarly, Ukrainian defense forces were effectively holding back the enemy troops in the Kupyansk sector.

Regarding Avdiivka and Mariinka, Maliar stated that the enemy had concentrated its main efforts on conducting offensive operations to establish full control over Mariinka. However, their attempts were thwarted by Ukrainian forces, preventing the encirclement of Avdiivka.

The Deputy Defense Minister also mentioned the liberation of Staromaiorske in the Donetsk region, highlighting the intense fire from aviation and artillery during the operation. Furthermore, Ukrainian forces have been successful in consolidating their positions in the Mala Tokmachka and Robotyne areas of the Zaporizhia region.

Maliar concluded the press conference by announcing that the Ukrainian Defense Forces have liberated a total area of 204.7 square kilometers since the start of the counter-offensive. Within the past week, an additional 12.6 square kilometers had been gained.

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As the Ukrainian forces continue their efforts to repel the Russian invasion, these modest territorial gains serve as a testament to their determination and resilience. The ongoing battles in various sectors indicate the intensity of the conflict but also demonstrate the unwavering commitment of Ukraine’s defense forces to protect their country’s sovereignty.

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