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US-China talks, Blinken meets Xi. The Chinese leader: “Made progress and reached agreements on specific issues”

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US-China talks, Blinken meets Xi.  The Chinese leader: “Made progress and reached agreements on specific issues”

“No interactions Between States should always be based on respect reciprocal and on the sincerity. I hope the secretary The blinkthrough this visit, can give a contribution positive to the stabilization of relations between Chinese e States United“. From the Great Hall of the People in Tiananmen Square a Beijing the Chinese president Xi Jinping receives the US Secretary of State Antony Blink and his delegation who, on the last day of the visit to Beijing in a difficult moment in relations between Chinese e United Statesmet the Communist Party head of diplomacy before the Chinese leader Wang Yi and yesterday the Foreign Minister Qin Gang.

Xi explained that, during the visit of The blink – first US secretary of state to travel to the Asian giant since 2018 – the Chinese he “clarified his locations“, that “the two sides have had sincere and in-depth discussions” and “have agreed to follow the agreements that the president and I Biden we had reached a Bali“. On the occasion of the bilateral on the sidelines of the G20 Indonesian in November there were three points in particular set by the two leader: the red line up Taiwanthe no to a return to the cold war and to the escalation in Ukraine. The parties, second Xi, they also made progress “and reached an agreement on some specific issues”. However, he did not specify what the issues in question are. The face-to-face between the two may be a crucial step in mending lines of communication that have deteriorated over the past year. THE Chinese official media have released some images of the meeting, which began with a handshake between the two. According to a US State Department official quoted by the Cnn the face-to-face session lasted about 30 minutes, started at 16.34 local time, and concluded at 17.09.

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Previous meetings with Wang and Qin – The statements coming from the Chinese leader are clearly more positive than the comments icy issued by Beijing after the meetings between The blink and the two representatives of the Chinese government. From the three hours of interview with Wangwhich lasted one more than expected, the intransigence of Beijing are Taiwana dossier on which “the Chinese it has no room for compromise or concessions”. Wang he then added that the Chinese they States United they have to choose between “cooperation and conflict”, always with reference to the issue Taipei. “The States United must truly adhere to the principle ofUnique China confirmed in the three joint press releases US-Chinarespect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Chinese and clearly oppose the independence of Taiwan“. Statements at the end of the face to face that determine an adamant position of Beijing. But despite this, give it United States comes the positive comment of Matthew Millerspokesman for the US State Department, who defined the meeting between The blink e Wang “truthful and profitable”. And in a tweet The blink he specified that the talks concern “a series of bilateral and global issues that concern people at home and in the world“.

A rather cold comment from yesterday also came out Qin Gangwhich had defined relations between China and the US are at its “lowest point” since 1979, when the two countries officially started diplomatic relations at the embassy level. A comment of a different kind had instead come out of Washington, given that the US State Department spoke of “frank”, “substantive” and “constructive” talkscon The blink who stressed the importance of diplomacy and maintaining open channels of communication on the full range of issues to reduce the risk of misperception and miscalculation”.

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The objectives of the American mission in Beijing – The visit of The blink it had been canceled in February following the football crisis Chinese spywhich had increased the tension between the two superpowers related to several dossierfrom trade to technology, from the Russian war to Ukraine a Taiwan. One point, the latter, on which Beijing she does not seem willing to give in: because “the Taiwan issue is the fulcrum of China’s fundamental interests, the most important issue in China-US relations and the most important risk”, he warned Qin. Nobody expects sensational breakthroughs, but the first reactions seem to suggest that we are on the right trajectory to get relations back on track at the “lowest point since the establishment of diplomatic relations (1979, ed), which is not in accordance with the fundamental interests of the two peoples, nor does it meet the common expectations of the international community,” as Beijing underlined.

Three goals of Blinken in his two-day mission face to face with the top Chinese diplomats, the most important thing is de-escalation, lowering the temperature, keeping channels of direct communication open to manage relations “responsibly” and avoid “errors of assessment” and therefore possible conflicts in the growing rivalry between the two countries. The second is to raise the concerns Of Usa e allies on a number of bilateral and regional themes, an extensive menu ranging from war in Ukraine a Taiwan. The third is to explore areas of potential cooperation, starting with the climate. The mission of The blink it should pave the way for other visits, such as that of the secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen and to trade Gina Raimondo. And set the stage for a meeting between Joe Biden e Xiperhaps on the sidelines of the G20 in India in September or the summit Apec in San Francisco in November, where the Chinese president has already been invited. The same White House tenant said on Friday that he hoped to meet Xi again in the coming months to “talk about the legitimate differences that we have, but also how to get along”, throwing more water on the fire on what he had already called “one stupid ball“: “I don’t think the management knew where it was, and knew what was in it, and knew what was going on. I think it was more embarrassing than intentional.”

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