Home » US Secretary of State Antony Blinken talked with Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang for five and a half hours. How do the US and China comment? -ABC News

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken talked with Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang for five and a half hours. How do the US and China comment? -ABC News

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Daily fresh information for you! Happy reading ABC Chinese “Headline” from Monday to Friday! Today is Monday, June 19th.

Today’s news feed:

Australian Parliament approves historic ‘Indigenous Voices’ referendum expected to be held in October

The Senate passed legislation finalizing the format of the “Indigenous Voices” referendum. (AAP: Lukas Coch)

Australia’s Senate voted 52 to 19 againsthistoric passage of legislationApprove a referendum on Voice later this year

it will be australianFirst referendum in over 20 years. Over the past few months, the Australian government’s referendum proposals have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate. After completing these legislative procedures, Australian Prime Minister Albanese will be able to set a referendum date. later than six months later.

projected albaneseA referendum will be announced in Octoberwhich will be the first referendum since Australians voted against a republic in 1999.

“I say to my fellow Australians, Congress passes laws, but people make history,” Albanese said.

“This is your time, your opportunity, your opportunity to be a part of making history.

“This will be a moment of national unity and an opportunity to make our country great.”

While a majority of MPs from the opposition Coalition Party voted in favor, Liberal Senate deputy leader Michaelia Cash said they wouldIn favor of a referendum, but not in favor of ‘indigenous voices’

She said a successful referendum “would destroy one of our most fundamental values ​​- civic equality”.

The Federal Opposition believes that “Indigenous Voices” will create many problems legally, thusobstruct government governance

News background:“Indigenous Voice to Parliament”

Indigenous Parliamentary Voices will be an advisory body made up of Indigenous Australians that will advise the Federal Government on the development of policy affecting Indigenous Australians.

Prime Minister Albanese campaigned last year on a promise to hold a referendum on “Indigenous parliamentary voices” during his first term in government.

It will be Australia’s first referendum in 24 years. The last time was in 1999, when a referendum result rejected Australia’s transition to a republic.

Australia’s referendum (referendum)

A referendum, or referendum, is the only way to change Australia’s constitution.

This means that the constitution cannot be amended without the “consent of the people”.

To pass a referendum, a “double majority” is required. That is, a majority of voters nationwide, and a majority of voters in most states. Voters in the Northern Territory and the ACT count only in the national majority.

Since the federation was established in 1901, Australia has held 19 referendums and proposed 44 amendments to the constitution, of which only 8 were approved.

Blinken talked with Qin Gang for five and a half hours, how do you comment on the difference between the United States and China?

During the landmark meeting, both the United States and China emphasized their desire for a stable and predictable relationship. (Reuters: Leah Millis)

U.S. Secretary of State Blinken and Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang held a five-and-a-half-hour meeting on Sunday (June 18).candid and constructivethe two talked about differences on issues ranging from Taiwan to trade, but aside from declaring that they would maintain a bilateral dialogue and later meeting in Washington, it seemedno consensus

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At a dinner following the talks, both sides emphasized the hopeBuild stable and predictable relationshipsbut China made it clear thatThe Taiwan issue is the core issue and the biggest risk

The U.S. State Department said it was the first visit to China by a secretary of state in five years,Blinken stresses ‘need to reduce risk of misunderstanding and miscalculation’ in talks with Foreign Minister Qin Gang

Chinese official media quoted Qin Gang as saying to Blinken: “Qin Gang pointed out that the Taiwan issue is the core of China’s core interests, the most important issue in Sino-US relations, and the most prominent risk.”

Ahead of the talks, U.S. officials saw little chance of any breakthrough in the ongoing dispute between the world‘s two largest economies over trade and U.S. efforts to block China’s semiconductor industry, as well as the status of Taiwan and Beijing’s human rights Record.

U.S. and China onThe wording of the meeting was strikingly similarboth said the talks were beneficial, with the US spokesman describing them as “frank, substantive and constructive” and Chinese state media as “frank, in-depth and constructive”.

However, the two parties only agreed that Qin Gang should visit Washington at a time that both parties deem convenient, otherwise,There doesn’t seem to be much agreement between the two sides

Both sides have stressed the importance of facilitating the movement of their nationals, with Chinese state media saying they agreed to discuss adding flights and welcoming more students and business people.

After a “suspected Chinese spy balloon” flew over U.S. airspace and was shot down by the U.S., Blinken postponed his planned visit to China in February this year. He is the highest-level U.S. government official to visit China since President Biden took office in January 2021.

Blinken and Wang Yi met at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse today. (Reuters: Leah Millis/Pool)

Blinken also met with Wang Yi, Director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Communist Party of China today.and may meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping, seeking to establish open and lasting communication channels to ensure that the strategic competition between the two countries does not turn into conflict.

US officialsDeclining to say if Blinken will meet with Xi

Blinken’s visit is expected to pave the way for more bilateral talks in the coming months, including possible visits to China by Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo . It could also pave the way for another meeting between Xi and Biden at the APEC summit later this year.

3.1-magnitude earthquake hits Sydney’s southwest suburb of Appin

According to Geoscience Australia, the depth of the quake was three kilometers. (ABC News)

About 75 kilometers southwest of SydneyA small earthquake hits the Appin area

A magnitude 3.1 earthquake struck north of Douglas Park at 2.05pm on Sunday (June 18), at a depth of three kilometers.

Hadi Ghasemi, a senior seismologist at Geoscience Australia, said itsshallow earthquake

“For those close to the epicenter, they will feel a few brief, severe shaking … but it passes quickly,” Kasimi said.

He said the quake was unlikely to cause any damage to buildings or other structures.

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Local residents posted on Facebook (Facebook) that they felt the house shaking.

But so far,No more aftershocks yet

There have been at least 48 similar quakes within 100 kilometers of the epicentre in the past 10 years, Kasimi said.

‘Drag queen’ tells stories to children sparks protests, counter-protests

Support for the campaign far outnumbers opponents outside the library. (ABC News: Cason Ho)

Drag artist Kogar Morrison (Cougar Morrison) held a reading event at the Maylands Library (Maylands Library) in Perth, Western Australia on Saturday (June 17). During the period, a large number of supporters and opponents appeared outside the library, butSupporters far outnumber opponents

Protesters say the event exposes children to “induction” and that they are opposing it to “protect children”.

But Morrison said the protesters’ concerns were unfounded.

Opponents say the stories are not suitable for children. (ABC News: Cason Ho)

One of the protesters, Nadia Gallina, said the children’s book event should not be hosted by a drag artist.

“‘Drag queens’ storytelling should be banned,” she said.

“They make kids listen to stories that aren’t right for them,” she said.

Morrison retorted: “The types of books we read are what we call inclusive books, which means that the protagonists may not just be white, you know, and that may come as a shock to some people.”

“Honestly,[抗议活动]It was never about protecting children, it was always an attack on the LGBTQ+ community. “

Kogar Morrison has been pushing for a similar event for years. (ABC News: Cason Ho)

Protests and counter-protests are scheduled to take place during the storytelling. However, due to security concerns, the storytelling event had to be held in secret and in advance.

Similar events scheduled in other states were recently canceled

A ‘simple’ photo wins 2023 National Photographic Portrait Award

Shia Kirk’s photograph “Ruby” has won the 2023 National Photographic Portrait Award. (Supplied: National Portrait Gallery)

For six years, Melbourne-based photographer Shea Kirk has invited people into his home studio to photograph them against simple backdrops.

Today, that simple act is the secret code to success.

Kirk’s portrait of his friend and industry colleague Emma Armstrong-Porter, also known as Ruby, won the 2023 National Photographic Portrait Prize.

The jury said at the awardsThey thought Kirk’s final camera work was impressive.

Judge Daniel Boetker-Smith said: “It’s a fairly simple piece of work, fairly straightforward, so it’s really easy to understand, and I think there’s a lot of story behind the simplicity.”

Kirk’s portrait of Ruby isStanding out from more than 2,000 works, it became one of the 47 finalists for the National Photographic Portrait Award

Photographer Shia Kirk said he did not know Ruby before the shoot. (ABC News: Nick Haggarty)

As a prize, Kirk receivedA $30,000 cash prize and $20,000 worth of equipmentbut he said he was obsessed with photography, not winning prizes.

“Having said that, to receive this level of recognition from your peers and industry is something very special,” he said.

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Bangardidjan, photographed by Renae Saxby, has won the 2023 National Photographic Portrait Award for Top Comment. (Supplied: National Portrait Gallery) David Cossini’s portrait of Ugandan Godfrey Baguma “Ugandan Ssebabi” won the Art Treatment Award. (Supplied: National Portrait Gallery)

Ancient lamprey found on South Australia’s Limestone Coast

There are more than 40 different species of lampreys worldwide. (Supplied: Department for Water and Environment, SA)

Conservationists in south-east South Australia say the sighting of lampreys (lamprey, also known as hagfish) in the local waterway system is a sign of the health of the ecosystem there.

Lampreys live in parts of Australia, but the ancient, toothed creatures are rarely seen at Ewens Ponds, about 25 kilometers south of Mount Gambier.

Long and slender in shape, like an eel, they are born in fresh water and then migrate to the ocean, where they feed on the blood of other fish as adults.

Afterwards, they return to freshwater to breed and spend their entire lives.

It’s not every day you see the animal in the wild in the southeastern part of the state, said Claire Harding, a conservation ecologist with the National Park’s Limestone Coast.

Ivans Pool is a popular swimming and snorkeling spot on the Limestone Coast. (Supplied: Claire Harding)

“I’ve never seen them during the day, I’ve only seen them when I was tracking, surveying and netting,” she said.

After years of disappearance, lamprey populations are slowly recovering across the country, including in the River Murray.

In other countries, the fish is popular with anglers, and in some European countries it is a culinary delicacy.

Adult lampreys are about 50 cm long. (Supplied: Stephen Beatty)

Ms Harding said the return of the lampreys to the local waterway system was a good sign.

She said although the fish can be scary to watch up close, they are not aggressive or dangerous to swimmers.

That’s all for today’s “Toutiao”, I wish you all a happy day.



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