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Usa, Liz Cheney loses Republican primary in Wyoming. Trump: “she can disappear into oblivion”

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Usa, Liz Cheney loses Republican primary in Wyoming.  Trump: “she can disappear into oblivion”

Liz Cheney, former ally of Donald Trump and then his great enemy, will not keep his seat in the House: he lost the Republican primary in Wyomingpaying his war to the tycoon, who rejoiced over his defeat, first by voting for impeachment and then by accepting the post of vice-chairman of the House Committee of Inquiry into the assault on the Capitol on January 6, 2021. After about a ‘ now since the closing of the polling stations, the result was already clear: the challenger, Harriet Hageman, a Trump-backed attorney, had an advantage of over thirty points. So Cheney only had to go on stage, where her parents, dad Dick, former vice president of the United States with George W. Bush, and mother and former Second Lady, Lynne Vincent Cheney, were waiting for her.

The Republican said clearly that she would have easily won the primary if she had chosen to side with Trump: “The path was clear – she explained – but I should have recognized the lies of the former president about the 2020 elections. That is a path that I have not. could and wanted to undertake “.
Cheney he then warned against the risk that America could be overwhelmed by violence: “We cannot – he said – be governed by a horde instigated on social networks”. Then he launched a message that could hint at a possible candidacy in the Republican primary for the 2024 presidency, as a challenger to Trump himself. “The primaries – he added – are over. The real work begins now.” Supporters cheered and applauded her, even though the general climate was warm. Cheney quoted Abraham Lincoln, who had lost the race for the seat in Congress, but “then won the most important election of all”, the one for the presidency of the United States.
Trump, of course, rejoices: “He should be ashamed – he commented on his social platform, Truth – for the bigoted words and the attitude shown towards others”. “Now – he added – he will be able to disappear into the depths of political oblivion where, I am sure, he will be much happier than he is now”.

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