Home » Use: Man beats and buries his wife still alive. She is saved thanks to the Apple Watch

Use: Man beats and buries his wife still alive. She is saved thanks to the Apple Watch

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Use: Man beats and buries his wife still alive.  She is saved thanks to the Apple Watch

A woman beaten, stabbed and buried alive by her husband was saved thanks to her Apple Watch, with which she managed to call the police after the initial assault. The Daily Beast reports it. The incident took place on October 16 in Lacey, a city of 50,000 inhabitants 100 kilometers from Seattle, in the State of Washington.

The dynamics
According to the reconstruction of the investigators, the woman, Young Sook An, 42, had quarreled over money and divorce with her husband Chae Kyong An (53). He the latter attacked her while she was changing in her room, punching her and throwing her to the ground. He then he tied her arms and legs with duct tape and stabbed her in her chest, briefly exiting her room. At that point, the woman used her Apple Watch to call the emergency number.

The rescues
The operator realized that the woman was unable to speak and heard bangs and noises of arguments in the background, before total silence arrived. The police located the telephone repeater from which the call came and visited the woman’s home, but did not find it. However, the officers noticed suspicious elements and eventually cornered her husband and arrested him. Meanwhile, the woman had found the strength to get out of the pit in the forest where her spouse had buried her, after shattering her Apple Watch, and she had asked for help at the door of a local resident.

A marital quarrel and a near tragedy
Her husband, an Army veteran, long-time in Defense Intelligence, An, 53, was arrested on charges of attempted murder, kidnapping and assault. But without technology, history could have taken a tragic turn. After the request for separation presented by her wife last summer, he had threatened her: “I’ll kill you – she told her – rather than let you withdraw your pension money.” On Sunday, October 16, when the woman returned home from church, she found her ex-husband waiting for her. After yet another quarrel about her, the man beat her, sedated her, immobilized her and to hide everything about her he decided to bury her in the woods, where fortunately the help arrived in time.

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