Home » Venezuela: floods after heavy rain, at least 22 dead and 52 missing

Venezuela: floods after heavy rain, at least 22 dead and 52 missing

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Venezuela: floods after heavy rain, at least 22 dead and 52 missing

At least 22 people died and 52 are missing due to landslides and floods due to heavy rains that hit the city of Tejeri’as, in the state of Aragua, Venezuela. The budget was confirmed by the vice president of the government Delcy Rodri’guez.

The flooding of a stream, which occurred yesterday, caused destruction and flooding in the city, where the water swept away everything it found in its path.

President Nicolas Maduro wrote on his Twitter profile that he had ordered “the maximum deployment of the assistance and rescue forces to people”, recalling that the Venezuelans affected by the disaster “are not alone”.

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