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What does it mean when you feel dizzy | Magazine

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What does it mean when you feel dizzy |  Magazine

If you have felt that your head is “cloudy”, these are some of the reasons. React on time!

Izvor: Shutterstock/fizkes

Recently, many people complain that they are “cloudy in the head”, lack concentration, often forget and feel that they are not “quite themselves”. By the way, in English terminology this condition is known as “fog in the head” or “brain fog”. Also, some other symptoms that appear are slowness, memory loss, and some cannot remember adequate words for the given situation.

As neurologist Clifford Segil, Ph.D., points out, these cognitive difficulties are usually not worrisome. However, if they are frequent and disrupt your daily activities, then you should pay attention to the following causes that can lead to “fuzziness in the head”.

1. Nutrition

In most cases, this condition can be caused by the foods you consume every day, such as processed foods, sugar and saturated fats.

“These foods can cause inflammation in the body, including the brain, which can impair cognitive function,” says Dr. Susan Manzi, adding that eating a diet based on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, and lean proteins can help improve symptoms. .

2. Not enough sleep

Lack of sleep causes fatigue, irritability and, among other things, a “cloudy head”. That is why you should take care of regular and continuous sleep. Seven to eight hours of sleep is ideal.

3. Dehydration

Dehydration can lead to reduced blood flow to the brain, leading to brain fog,” explains Dr. Manzi. She urges patients to make sure they drink enough water throughout the day — about 15.5 glasses a day for men and 11.5 for women. – especially during heat or when engaging in physical activity.

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4. Chronic stress

Chronic stress combined with poor sleep can lead to anxiety and depression, which also leads to “fuzziness” in the head. Experts advise that if you are under stress, try methods to reduce your anxiety level such as exercise, quality sleep and proper breathing. If you can’t handle it yourself, seek the help of an expert.

5. General state of health

Also, existing medical conditions, such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and autoimmune disorders can contribute to brain fog,” says Manzi. Migraines, multiple sclerosis, cognitive decline, and certain viral infections, including COVID-19, have also been linked to the condition.

6. Medicines

“Certain medications, such as antihistamines and sleeping pills, can cause brain fog as a side effect,” says the doctor. If you often feel “foggy in the head” and are using some of these medications, talk to your doctor, who will further advise you. refer to adequate therapy.


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