Home » “What is your sun sign?” and “What is your moon?” – FASHION WORLD

“What is your sun sign?” and “What is your moon?” – FASHION WORLD

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“What is your sun sign?”  and “What is your moon?”  – FASHION WORLD

How many times have you heard the question, “What’s your sign?” and “What is your Moon?”. This happens because these two stars are one of the most popular points on the astral map among people, even serving as a basis for different analyzes on self-knowledge.
When asking questions like these, it is likely to expect two different signs as an answer, but in some cases this is not what happens, as there are people who have both the Sun and the Moon positioned in the same sign. This type of episode can happen to anyone and tends to show a lot about a person’s personality and conscience.

What does the Sun mean in the birth chart?

First of all, it is important to understand what the Sun and Moon mean for astrology. For astrologer Cláudia Lisboa, these stars are the luminaries of the birth chart, where it is possible to find the life force of every individual.
For the study that uses the position of the stars in the sky, there is always a representation for each point on the birth chart and it is from this that the analyzes for self-knowledge are taken. In the case of the Sun, according to the astrologer, it is largely responsible for life on Earth, being the star that provides light, heat and energy to people. For this reason, the star also plays a role in astrology.
In the astrological study, the Sun deals with the individuality of the being, being the one who indicates where a person feels safe, strong and confident. On her blog, Cláudia Lisboa explains that the sign in which the Sun is positioned will help build a healthy ego and a sense of objectivity. In addition, the professional explains that he will also indicate what gives energy to a person.
It is important to emphasize that the sun sign is the best known of all, being known as the “newspaper horoscope sign”. To find out, it is enough to know the date and time of birth. Thus, a person who was born approximately between September 23rd and October 22nd probably has a Libra birth chart.

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What is the role of the Moon in the birth chart?

The Moon is Earth’s natural satellite and, in astrology, it represents one of the pillars of a person’s personality, along with the Sun and the Ascendant. On her blog, astrologer Cláudia Lisboa explains that the Moon deals with emotions and sensitivity.
In addition, this star also symbolizes the marks of the past and the affective memory of an individual. The professional also clarifies that, in the phases of the moon, emotions can vary, showing a change in mood and attitudes. Knowing the sign in which the star is positioned helps to have important information about how a person interacts with others and how he expresses his feelings.

What does it mean to have the Sun and Moon in the same sign?

In the birth chart, it is possible to have the Sun and Moon positioned in the same sign. In this type of configuration, even so, it is necessary to pay attention to the meanings of the two stars and analyze them according to the characteristics of the signs.
For example, a person with both placed in the sign of Leo is likely to have an intense, energetic personality marked by confidence and will be loyal to himself, valuing his wants and desires. Regarding emotions, this person will be passionate about life, emotionally secure, who trusts his own feelings and who throws himself open in relationships.
The presence of the same sign in these two pillar points of the astral map will help build a strong personality with emotions aligned with your identity.

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