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Why did I become a blogger? ~ Targeting More

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Why did I become a blogger?  ~ Targeting More

Since my childhood, I loved to throw words on paper. I wrote down everything that came to mind. My writings were intended for myself, I was my own reader. Until today I continue to write, but I no longer write for myself. I also write for these young people who, like me, must reinvent the world of tomorrow. Today I am a blogger; why this choice ? Why write for young people? In this article, I answer all these questions.

For me, blogging is above all a means of expressing my thoughts. The blog is the medium that I use. As you know, a blog is a website hosted on a server. Thanks to links, it is basically the internet and its social networks that I use to reach young people scattered around the world. If you take a look at the data of the Hootsuite & We Are Social, in 2023, out of 8.01 billion people in the world, there are 5.16 billion Internet users and 4.72 billion active users of digital social networks. The observation is quickly made: the internet gives me the opportunity to reach a large number of young people.


Credit: Pixabay

And young people, why write for them?

I said it at the beginning, the world of tomorrow has to be reinvented; the children and young people of today are the inhabitants of the world of tomorrow. Humanity is currently facing multiple challenges. The world‘s population is growing but the earth’s resources are dwindling. Climate change threatens the sustainability of cities and casts doubt on the future of agriculture. The scarcity of resources, poverty, unemployment, social inequalities are a real threat to the peace and stability of States. I chose blogging as a means of expression to sensitize young people on these most pressing problems of humanity in order to involve them in their resolution at the community level.


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I am convinced that involving young people in solving these current problems will help create a more reassuring future. Moreover, the search for solutions to each problem will create jobs and new professions.

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What topics are covered on this blog?

On my blog, I talk a lot about sustainable development goals. I think development should be inclusive and sustainable. Each goal is a set of solutions to humanity’s problems. Even if these objectives are not visibly mentioned in my articles, I always draw inspiration from their orientations to propose solutions to my young readers.

Credit: Pixabay

I would like to congratulate those who participated in the definition of these 17 sustainable development goals. These objectives have been designed in such a way that the achievement of one does not have negative effects on the achievement of the others. Although disparate, these objectives are an inseparable whole. I thus approach subjects related to these objectives of sustainable development. My articles are categorized. You will see a category dedicated to Youth Empowerment, Peacebuilding, Health, Environment, etc. Do not hesitate to discover them by unrolling the three bars at the home page of this blog.

Why did I choose the Targeting Plus title for my blog?

Let’s just say it: “the name of my blog is Ciblage Plus”. The choice of this name is justified by the particularity of the subjects that I approach and the way in which I treat them. Word targeting in artillery is a decision-making process which aims to select the targets on which the military effort will be concentrated in coherence with the planning objectives and according to the available resources. This word appeared around the 1990s in a post-crisis context where it was necessary to do better with less resources and at the lowest cost.


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As in the military, this blog is about targeting a problem and proposing possible solutions, taking into account the available resources. The attempt to solve a problem must not generate other problems, but must be part of a logic of sustainable development of States. Young people are thus the soldiers of change, they must concentrate their efforts on solving the most pressing problems of humanity.

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As a blogger, how much do I earn per month?

For me, blogging is a means of expressing my written thoughts. I don’t earn anything per month, it’s a passion and I do it with great pride. I was however surprised during the Awards ceremony at the summit of bloggers in June 2023 when the mistress of ceremonies announced that I was the winner of the special prize of the French ambassador to Cameroon.

The computer with which I have just written and posted this article was given to me by the French ambassador to Cameroon. Thank you Mr Ambassador!

As you will have understood, it was my passion for writing that pushed me to become a blogger. Today, I am a member of the large community of French-speaking bloggers Mondoblog supported by the RFI Media Workshop. I am proud of it, and I now write to thousands of young people scattered around the world.

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