Home » Will Olmedo López splash Carlos Ramón González in the UNGRD scandal?

Will Olmedo López splash Carlos Ramón González in the UNGRD scandal?

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Will Olmedo López splash Carlos Ramón González in the UNGRD scandal?

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Olmedo López – the former director of the National Disaster Risk Management Unit (Ungrd) – promised to turn on the fan in the corruption scandal that affects him and one of those exposed would be Carlos Ramón González, former director of Dapre.

“I said that the country expected a thousand answers that I gave and that I will continue to give without hesitation, they take advantage of my silence, well no more, I am not going to allow them,” said the Antioquia politician in an audio in which he requested a principle of opportunity with the Prosecutor’s Office.

Read more: “They take advantage of my silence, well no more”: Olmedo López asked for protection and the beginning of opportunity to give his version

According to information compiled by Semana magazine, the statements would end up targeting Carlos Ramón González, former director of the Department for the Presidency and today director of intelligence.

The thing is that González would have been the official who gave the order to buy congressmen – with resources from the Ungrd – so that they would follow the reforms that Gustavo Petro’s Government was processing in the Legislature.

López would have evidence of meetings and communications in which the order of the now director of intelligence would be explicit.

Find out: Ungrd scandal: there would have been $7.7 billion in bribery and 15% by contract

“I have had to face tough battles, those who have fought like me, from different shores will know how difficult it is to follow orders,” said López.

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The aforementioned magazine also stated that López would be willing to recount the role played by Luis Fernando Velasco, Minister of the Interior, in the entire corruption network.

In any case, López will go to the Prosecutor’s Office this Monday to file his collaboration matrix. The politician’s defense, from now on, announced that the former director of the Ungrd will only break his silence if the principle of opportunity is granted and security guarantees are provided to his family.

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The former director of the Ungrd would also provide more details of the apparent delivery of 3,000 million pesos in bribes to the president of the Senate, Iván Name, and 1,000 million to the president of the Chamber, Andrés Calle.

López’s statements could be key to unraveling the network of corruption. Well, as head of the entity, he knew all the movements and officials that could have been involved.

Who is Carlos Ramón González?

Carlos Ramón González was a member of the M-19 and is one of the four co-presidents of the Green Alliance party. He came to government in April 2023 when he was appointed as director of the Administrative Department of the Presidency (Dapre).

Read also: “Be careful with the Ungrd, everything is known!”: Was Day Vásquez right? Since December he foreshadowed scandal in that entity

In July of last year, Carlos Ramón González was linked to the election of Iván Name as president of the Senate, since Name and González are so close that the then director of Dapre lobbied to promote the government’s legislative agenda. He was a kind of Minister of the Interior without being one.

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Carlos Ramón González left Dapre and has been in the National Intelligence Directorate since February of this year.

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