Home » Zelensky to the US Congress: “We have no electricity or water but we will never give up”

Zelensky to the US Congress: “We have no electricity or water but we will never give up”

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Zelensky to the US Congress: “We have no electricity or water but we will never give up”

New York – Just as the American soldiers stopped the Nazis engaged in the Ardennes offensive during Christmas 1944, so the Ukrainian soldiers are fighting today against the Russians to save freedom, democracy and the values ​​on which the Western way of life is based. Perhaps it is the strongest comparison made by the president Zelensky during last night’s speech at the Congress, to convince not only the politicians, but above all the people of the United States, that the war to which they are giving economic and military support concerns them closely: “It is not money given to charity, but an investment in global security and democracy” . In this way he hopes to overcome the resistance of the Republicans who will regain the majority in the House in January, and under the influence of the more extremist Trumpist current threaten to cut aid to Kiev.

The Ukrainian leader went to the Congress meeting in joint session, after yesterday afternoon’s visit to the White House. It was the first daring trip abroad since the start of the Russian invasion, going by train to Poland, and then aboard an American plane to Washington. During their bilateral summit, Biden promised that “the US will stand by your people for as long as necessary”. Then he approved a new package of military supplies worth 1.85 billion dollars, which this time also includes the Patriots, a missile defense system that the Kremlin is launching on civilian targets and infrastructure, in the hope of breaking the aggressors who do not manages to beat on the battlefield. At stake, however, are another 45 billion dollars in aid to Kiev, which Parliament is currently discussing. Therefore Zelensky he went to Congress, hoping to unblock the last resistances.

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He did so with a very emotional speech, in which he tried to recount the sufferings of his people, and explain what they need to prevail. Despite “Russian primitive tactics, and against all odds, Ukraine has not fallen, but lives and fights. We will never give up.” This could only happen thanks to the «essential support of the United Statesthe. So I want to thank the Americans and tell them that the aid given to Kiev they are not charity, but an investment in global security and democracy.” The president warned that «Next year will be critical. You can speed up our victory, make the decisions you have to make.”

Zelensky called Russia “a terrorist state”, which “could stop the aggression if it wanted to”. He recalled the ten-point peace plan that he presented, adding, however, that he has no hope that Putin will listen to him. Then he reached out to the Russian people, saying that «they too can be free, but only when they defeat the Kremlin in their minds. Russian tyranny has lost control over us. The fight continues and we must defeat the Kremlin on the battlefield.” Hence the need for American aid: «We have the artillery, thank you. It’s enough? Honestly not,” said the president, causing some laughter in the courtroom. So he remembered the Battle of the Bulge del 1944, that of Saratoga which represented a turning point in the American Revolution, and quoted Franklyn Delano Roosevelt, to exalt the resistance of his people: «Ukraine’s victory will also be America’s victory». He mentioned that Putin to strike his country he now relies on Iranian drones, in the hope of moving the republicans most hostile to the regime of the ayatollahs, and has warned that the next targets of the Kremlin, if it is not stopped now, will be other countries allied with the US in Europe.

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He spoke directly to the hearts of American families, when he noted that «in a few days it will be Christmas. In Ukraine we will also celebrate it by candlelight, but not for romance. We don’t have electricity and many don’t have water. But we’re not complaining. The light of our faith will illuminate Christmas. What we hope for right now is victory, only victory».

At that point he donated to Speaker of the Pelosi Chamber the battle flag they had given him on Tuesday during his visit to the Bakhumt front, signed by the soldiers, just as he had given Biden the medal of an artillery captain who employs the Himars batteries sent by the Pentagon. Pelosi reciprocated with an American flag, which yesterday she flew over Congress in his honor. Therefore Zelensky he concluded by wishing everyone a “merry Christmas and a happy victorious new year”.

Yesterday was a nightmare for Putin, and according to the Cbs could be followed now by visits in Great Britain, France and Germany. It was proof of the failure of the Kremlin’s aggression, which it thought it was getting rid of Zelensky in one day, and of Russia’s isolation. Now, however, it is necessary for the USA and the entire West to confirm support and aid, so that Ukraine is able to survive the winter used as a weapon by Moscow, and win enough on the ground to then sit in a position of strength at the negotiating table. Biden yesterday reiterated that «we don’t want to fight with Russia or unleash the Third World War, but to save democracy and freedom. We want to put Ukraine in the best position to prevail when Zelensky decides it’s time to talk to the Russians.”

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