Home » Boy who shouted “Mom hold on… I need you” was orphaned

Boy who shouted “Mom hold on… I need you” was orphaned

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Boy who shouted “Mom hold on… I need you” was orphaned

Confirmed. Diana Oña died in the slaughter happened in Manta. She is the mother of the child who cried, “Mom resist… I need you“.

The video where you hear the crying boy and shouting “Mom resist…” was shared by thousands of people on social networks.

In it video the nine-year-old can be seen pacing back and forth with a leg injury.

As the child moves, he yells: “We need you, mommy hold on! I need you, ma, without you I can’t do anything. Ambulance, an ambulance!”

Then the woman is taken into an ambulance badly injured and transferred to the Rafael Rodríguez de Manta hospital.

In the hospital she died and the little one along with his brother, both injured, were orphaned by their father and mother.

The children were sons of Andres Agustin Moreirathe Manta transit agent who was watching, at the scene of the attack.

Ex of the agent and mother of the child who said mom resists

Diana Ona she was the agent’s ex-wife Andres Moreira.

His death moved the people who made the video go viral on social networks and who asked that the child’s mother be saved.

But Diana did not resist, and died in a room near where her children were being cared for.

Then the children were handed over to their relatives, and their mother’s body was transferred to the Manta Forensic Center to perform the autopsy.

The bodies of the women arrived at the same place. three other victims: Rommy y Rodny Moreira Antonwho had a criminal record for the crime of document falsification.

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Both were uncles of the agent who were watching. The other deceased by the attack was Kelly Carin Alava.

the body of Andres Agustin Moreirathe agent they were watching over, took him from the funeral home to the forensic center, since the hitmen shot at him.

The following day the deceased were removed, and three of them were cremated.

Only to Kelly Carin Alava They took her to the Santa Marianita wake room, located at the corner of Avenida 25 and Flavio Reyescompared to Gardens of Edenwhere the massacre of Thursday May 18 occurred.

A Andres Agustin Moreira he was murdered last Tuesday in Guayaquil.

In the last thirteen months they have murdered five maintenance agents. So far the authorities do not know the motives for these crimes.

Kelly Carin Alava she had gone to the traffic officer’s wake on Thursday because her husband was the uncle of the deceased.

Two arrested for massacre in Manta

After the massacre, between Thursday afternoon and night, the Police carried out several operations on the roads and eight raids in search of the hitmen.

After the attack, the Police found the car used by the hitmen abandoned near the Health Districton 25th avenue.

Inside the car, reported stolen, they found a gallon of gasoline and it is presumed that they were going to burn it, but apparently they did not have time.

Cano indicated that during the preliminary investigation they learned that the criminals would be foreigners.

In the neighborhood High grace They searched two houses and found a rifle, a pistol, money, and a man was detained.

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The fiscal Alexandra Well done He said that the detainee was prosecuted and was ordered into pretrial detention. his name is Jean Carlos Cedeño Jurado.

The Manta Violent Deaths Unit also captured in the city of Caraquez Bay to another man when he was being treated at the hospital, because he was injured.

At the moment the weapons are being analyzed to find out if they were used in the massacre, the second recorded this month in Manta.

Thirteen days ago, gunmen armed with rifles attacked an ecua volleyball court in the neighborhood Centenary.

That night died Orlando Salvador Jama Cuzme, Jorge Bryan Rodriguez Intriago, Ramon Erwin Franco Alava, Jose Miguel Delgado Urrunaga, Juan Carlos Prado Murillo and Carlos Raul Carvajal Briones.

There were also four injuries. Between 2011 and 2023, four massacres have been recorded in Manta.

Injured in the attack at the wake of a traffic agent

In the shooting at the funeral home on Thursday, 16 people were injured, a police report says.

Most of the victims have bullet wounds to their extremities, buttocks, pelvis, chest, bullet wounds, and their health condition is stable.

But, Milagros Tagle 31 years old, has injuries to various parts of her body and remains hospitalized in the hospital of Specialties of portoviejo.

The rest remain in clinics and the Social Security and Rafael Rodríguez Zambrano hospitals.

Regarding the death of five traffic agents, the mayor of Manta, Augustine IntriagoHe said that this responds to the particular life of each agent.

However, he has asked the authorities to continue with the investigations that were opened at the transit institution at one point.

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