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INVESTOPIA Italy is the privileged gateway to Europe

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INVESTOPIA Italy is the privileged gateway to Europe

INVESTOPIA Italy is the privileged gateway to Europe

Great success for the first edition of Investopia Europe, organized in Milan by EFG Consulting, an expert company in the internationalization of companies towards the Middle East, together with the Ministry of Economy of the United Arab Emirates, which saw the participation of 350 Italian excellences in the sector economic, financial and entrepreneurial.

Greetings from Giovanni Bozzetti, President of EFG Consulting, opened the morning: “We are faced with new challenges dictated by new technologies, the geopolitical situation and the economic situation: through Investopia we will transform challenges into opportunities. The choice of Milan and Lombardy as Investopia’s first destination in Europe is further evidence of how Italy is a privileged gateway to Europe.

Greetings from UAE Economy Minister Abdulla bin Touq Al Marri follow: “Investopia is a platform that connects the investment community with the aim of creating new opportunities. Investopia represents an ever-growing ecosystem to work on future opportunities and have a global reach: we are now in Italy to foster dialogue with new economies. The government of the Emirates is laying the foundations for a new economy: the planet is in a crucial phase and it will be important to invest in the right sectors to allow future generations to be able to prosper.

Subsequently, the word to the Minister of Tourism Daniela Santanché: “The Emirates are certainly a very important destination for Italian tourist flows. As a government we must invest even more in tourism, to make it the first industry in the nation. We should start more partnerships with the UAE so that investments can open up in our country, as we should do in theirs too. In the field of tourism we should change the paradigm: until now we looked at tourist flows in a quantitative way but today we have to focus on quality. So a partnership with the Emirates can also be interesting from the point of view of FDI, to have investments in accommodation facilities.”

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The speech by Minister Santanchè was echoed by the Deputy Minister of Economy of the United Arab Emirates Abdulla Al Saleh: “Our economy is characterized by the rapid reaction of the government to changes. During covid we witnessed a resilient economy that allowed us to cross the pandemic without major problems and even grow. Investing in Italy is a good opportunity because it is a very creative economy. In fact, if we look at the latest developments also in the EU, Italian contributions enter every economic sector.

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