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Multiple sclerosis: here are all the symptoms

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Multiple sclerosis: here are all the symptoms

The multiple sclerosis is a chronic neurodegenerative disease characterized by the atypical reaction of the immune defenses against some components of the central nervous system, mistakenly mistaken for “enemies”. This autoimmune inflammatory process can deteriorate and damage the myelini.e. the sheath that covers the nerve fibers, giving rise to the demyelination.

In this article

How many types of multiple sclerosis are there?

There are essentially fourfive if we also count the so-called benign one:

  1. relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS),
  2. secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (SP-MS),
  3. primarily progressive (SM-PP)
  4. progressive multiple sclerosis with relapses.

I symptoms?

Depending on the entity and location involved, they may occur different symptoms and it is not always easy to distinguish them from those relating to other pathologies. This is because it is capable of affecting any area of ​​the central nervous system and therefore presents clinical manifestations that vary from one subject to another. This disease mainly affects between 30 and 40 years old, but they are cases among young and old are on the rise. If we are talking about children up to the age of 17 we are talking about pediatric multiple sclerosis.

Here you can see and hear what the most common symptoms of multiple sclerosis.

Multiple sclerosis symptoms: what are the main manifestations?

Vision disturbances

Visual disturbances are the most common presenting symptoms of the disease. They can manifest themselves in different ways: from one reduced ability to focus a changes in color perception. It can happen to live even a temporary vision loss. You can suffer even one splitting of vision (called diplopia) or a nystagmuswhich is a rhythmic, involuntary wobble of the eyes.

Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms: sensitivity disorders

Among the common symptoms are sensitivity disorders. Most patients complain of the presence of pins and needles and sensations of burning in the lower limbs and other parts of the body. You can have one too decreased sensitivity to touch it’s a widespread numbness in one or more limbs. The person may notice reduced sensitivity to touch, heat and cold, and pain.

Reduction of muscle strength

Balance disorders, instability, trembling are also common. The gait may become unsteady and dizziness and generalized muscle weakness may occur.

Multiple sclerosis symptoms: dlanguage disturbances

Closely connected to the previous symptom, language disorders depend on the lack of coordination of the tongue and of the muscles of the mouth and face involved in the production of sounds and words. Medically speaking, speech articulation disorders are known as disartrie.

Cognitive disorders

Cognitive disorders mainly involve the capacity of attention, memory, reasoning and perception of space.


Sense of extreme tiredness, understood as lack of energy and a feeling of being “exhausted” more than is normally expected in relation to the level of exercise performed.

Intestinal disorders

The most common problems are constipation and faecal incontinence. In the former case, there will be difficulty emptying the bowel, while in the latter, there will be an inability to hold gas or stool without the patient’s awareness or voluntary contraction of the sphincter muscles.

Bladder disorders

Bladder disorders are also very common. They range from the appearance of an irresistible need to urinateall’urinary incontinence with involuntary loss of urine and urinary retention with the presence of urine in the bladder after urination or in the absence of it.

sexual disorders

Women can loss of sensation in the genital regionwhile men can have erection problems ed early or no ejaculation.


Depression affects more patients with multiple sclerosis than those who are not ill or have other pathologies. It is important to learn right away manage stress after diagnosis.


Patients with multiple sclerosis often complain of severe pain in different areas of the body but above all along the body the spine.

When multiple sclerosis is without symptoms

Sometimes multiple sclerosis can be without symptoms. You are technically ill, but you do not have the typical manifestations of the disease. Luigi Lavorgna, a neurologist from the Center for Multiple Sclerosis of the II University of Naples.

What are the causes of multiple sclerosis?

Unfortunately, the causes that lead to the development of multiple sclerosis are not yet known. Experts agree that it is an autoimmune disease. Demyelination, i.e. the loss of myelindepends on an incorrect response of the immune system. Basically our antibodies attack myelin as if it were a pathogen.

However, there are several risk factors. The most important are:

  • the genetic predisposition,
  • geographical origin: Caucasians are most at risk,
  • the climate: those who live in countries with a temperate climate are more at risk,
  • exposure to viruses and bacteria, especially if it occurs at an early age,
  • according to some studies low vitamin D levels.

Vaccines do not in any way raise the risk of multiple sclerosis

For years, some blogs and even newspapers stressed how vaccines could be one of the causes of this disease. A massive meta-analysis ruled out this possibility. There is no link between vaccinations and MS diagnoses.

Does mononucleosis raise your risk?

Several experts have linked a very common virus, such as that of mononucleosis the risk of developing multiple sclerosis. However, new studies are needed to better understand the mechanisms. The Epstein-Barr virus, this is the scientific name of the mononucleus, is extremely widespread in the world population.

How is multiple sclerosis diagnosed?

Once we understand that we are suffering from some of the symptoms of this disease, we should immediately talk to our doctor. He will most likely prescribe us a visit to a neurologist who specializes in this pathology. In addition to the visit, the professional may decide to subject the patient to some diagnostic tests.

What are the main therapies?

There is no definitive cure. However, science has made great strides. However, the mix of some drugs manages to intervene positively on the severity of the attacks and their incidence.

Two forms of medications are generally prescribed:

Recently, a drug has arrived on the market that acts directly on the patient’s immune system. Is called Ozanimod and reduces relapses in the most common form of MS.

Scientific research is focusing on stem cells. There are many, however trials of new drugs in the most important research centers of the world.

They are also studying cannabis drugs against some symptoms of multiple sclerosis. An important meta analysis which has examined a lot of research on the subject calls for further in-depth work.

The importance of sport in relieving the symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Important to play sportsto be able to get better. Until a few years ago it wasn’t emphasized enough how crucial it is to engage in physical activity. As therapies improve, people with MS have large spaces in which the disease does not progress. It is essential in these periods to exercise, depending on one’s possibilities and one’s state of health. The beneficial effects are many. On the one hand, the muscles are strengthened, while coordination and balance are also increased. On the other hand, doing regular and moderate physical activity lowers the levels of inflammation, which are instead the ideal habitat for the progression of the disease. Finally, and which is particularly important, it also acts on mood, stabilizing it thanks to the release of serotonin and dopamine, two important neurotransmitters linked to mental well-being. Particularly indicated the Nordic Walking, walking with poles, capable of moving most of the muscles of the body, without straining the back. However, there are many sports that you can do: Here are some tips for choosing the right way.

Is there a right diet against the symptoms of multiple sclerosis?

Hand in hand with physical activity, nutrition also plays a decisive role in relieving the symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Here you can find the advice of the nutritionist. In general, a varied diet with plenty of vegetables and fruit is ideal. We need vitamins, mineral salts and antioxidants, of which these foods are particularly rich. Vitamin D plays a crucial role and we need to think about the best way to get enough of it. We are also reasoning to verify if a calorie restriction may be useful against the symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Nutrition plays a central role, so much so that it is thought that the microbiome may be among the causes of the disease.

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