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Experience or youth – breaking latest news

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Experience or youth – breaking latest news

Diego Lara Leon

The business sector is currently facing a constantly evolving landscape, driven by technological advances, socioeconomic changes, and also by political and economic instability. In this context, the recruitment of young people has become a key strategy to ensure the prosperity and long-term success of organizations, as well as bringing a fresh perspective and an innovative mindset. Young people are growing up in a digitally connected world and are digital natives. This means that they have a thorough knowledge and understanding of new technologies and emerging trends. By incorporating talented young people into teams, companies can benefit from new ideas and creative approaches to meeting challenges and finding innovative solutions.

In addition, young people bring energy and enthusiasm to companies. They are ambitious, willing to take risks, and have an entrepreneurial mindset. This attitude can foster a dynamic and motivating work environment that inspires other employees and promotes collaboration. Young people are often willing to learn and take on new challenges, which can drive business growth and adaptability in an ever-changing business world.

Another important benefit of hiring young people is generational diversity in the workplace. The incorporation of different age groups creates a nurturing environment in which ideas, experiences and perspectives intertwine. Young people can learn from the experience and wisdom of more experienced employees, while the latter can benefit from the energy and technical skills of the young. This intergenerational collaboration fosters an environment of mutual learning and professional growth.

Hiring young people is also an investment in the future of the company. By providing job opportunities for young people, organizations can help nurture long-term talent and ensure a strong succession of skilled leaders and professionals. In addition, hiring young people can be a strategy to attract and retain talent. Many young people look for opportunities that allow them to grow and develop professionally from the beginning of their careers. Companies that offer youth development and mentoring programs can stand out as attractive employers and position themselves as leaders in their industry.

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However, you have to know how to balance, balance is the key to development. But, beware, balance is not always at the midpoint, let’s remember that balance is not equality, balance is equity. Experience is important, which is why we must have “balanced” teams, where there is experience and youth.

Which is better, some will ask: experience or youth? At the same time both are very difficult to get. However, at least I prefer young people with a great desire to learn; and, to experienced people who are willing to unlearn and teach.

Youth is not only in chronological age, there are also “rigid youth” who do not want to learn.

Not all job skills are acquired quickly, so when I say balance, I mean that care must be taken and that there are spaces and spaces within organizations.

Let’s learn from the large multinational corporations, who assumes the leadership in those companies after the leader ends his activity, is the one who spent years as number 2; and, in turn, that space is occupied by the number 3 and so on. Leadership must be collegiate and there must be internal growth programs that motivate young people to join an organization.

Finally, we must remember that as the human being advances in age and experience, his role must change, his experience and wisdom must never be discarded. Evolution is good; the involution, that is what we must not allow to happen.


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