Home » They made my week the dresser

They made my week the dresser

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They made my week  the dresser

01 Continuing our conversation about large button-down shirts
02 What to buy in book week: Loyalty by Hernán Díaz. I just started but it won a Pulitzer, so it’s not a gamble
03 A summer candlestick
04 The mission: save the lips
05 A hand-drawn version of Aviva Zilberman’s Courage Shirt
06 The question arises as to why Instagram targets me for things that I would love and that there is nowhere to get them

I just started reading loyaltybut is already marking pages as if there is no tomorrow (translation: Sharon Preminger):

“He wore his fortune on his body – his skin emitted a different fragrance every day; His shirts were not ironed but new; And his coats shone almost as brightly as his hair. He was full of the most common and embarrassing feature – “good taste”. Rusk looked at him and thought that only a wage earner, who receives money from someone else, would spend it in such a way – in search of relief and freedom.’

And this great feature (to add to resume):
“She managed to thread people into selected circles without harming the decisive feeling that these are closed circles.”

Get ready for the best five minutes of your life:

post By Shelly Posted on In the general category, make my week and tagged Aviva Silberman, Adidas, men’s shirt, striped shirt, loyalty, candlesticks, clean cosmetics, book week.

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