Home » The Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee held a meeting to earnestly study and implement the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech, research and deploy “Selected Readings of Xi Jinping’s Works” learning and application work Huang Kunming presided over the meeting Guangdong Provincial People’s Government Portal

The Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee held a meeting to earnestly study and implement the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech, research and deploy “Selected Readings of Xi Jinping’s Works” learning and application work Huang Kunming presided over the meeting Guangdong Provincial People’s Government Portal

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On the morning of June 16, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee held a meeting to conscientiously convey the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping during his inspection in Inner Mongolia and the spirit of his important speech at the symposium on strengthening the comprehensive prevention and control of desertification and promoting the construction of key ecological projects such as the “Three Norths” , to study the implementation of the opinions in our province. The meeting also conveyed the spirit of the symposium on the publication of the first and second volumes of “Selected Readings of Xi Jinping’s Works”, deployed our province’s learning and application work, and reviewed our province’s opinions on promoting the high-quality development of the cause of the disabled in the new era. Provincial Party Secretary Huang Kunming presided over the meeting and delivered a speech.

The meeting pointed out that when General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected Inner Mongolia and attended the symposium on strengthening the comprehensive prevention and control of desertification and promoting the construction of “Three Norths” and other key ecological projects, he made great efforts to strengthen the comprehensive prevention and control of desertification, build a solid ecological security barrier, accelerate the optimization of industrial structure, and solidly promote common development. Prosperity, solidification of the consciousness of the Chinese nation community, etc. put forward clear requirements, which also have important guiding significance for us to do a good job in Guangdong. We must study and comprehend the spirit of the important speeches and instructions of the general secretary, together with the spirit of the important speeches and instructions of the general secretary when he inspected Guangdong, implement them well, and solidly promote the Guangdong practice of Chinese-style modernization in accordance with the direction guided by the general secretary. It is necessary to deepen exchanges and cooperation with Inner Mongolia around service and integration into the new development pattern, focus on strengthening cooperation in key areas such as stable coal supply, energy technology, new energy development and utilization, and new energy storage, actively guide enterprises in two-way investment layout, and join hands in building a unified national large Market, based on the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to build my country’s high-level gateway hub for opening up to the outside world and Inner Mongolia to build an important bridgehead for my country’s opening up to the north, deepen cooperation in opening up to the outside world, and play a greater role in smoothing the domestic cycle and connecting the domestic and international dual cycles . It is necessary to fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, unswervingly follow the road of high-quality development, take the green and beautiful Guangdong ecological construction as the guide, solidly promote the integrated protection and systematic management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand, optimize and adjust the energy structure and Industrial structure, accelerate the pace of green development; adhere to the real economy as the foundation, the manufacturing industry as the leader, solidly build a science and technology innovation strong province, and create a modern industrial system with more international competitiveness; adhere to the people-centered approach, and further promote the implementation of the “Ten People’s Livelihood Projects” “, so that the masses can really feel that the promotion of common prosperity is in action and by their side; take the consciousness of the Chinese nation community as the main line, promote the high-quality development of ethnic areas in our province, do a good job in urban ethnic work, and consolidate the development of ethnic unity and progress . It is necessary to carry out in-depth thematic education, focus on achieving more obvious results in learning and correcting the style, adhere to the combination of goal orientation and problem orientation, and the integration of learning, inspection and reform, and organize and guide the majority of party members and cadres to benchmark the requirements of the party style, the requirements of the party spirit, and the comparison. According to the requirements of party discipline, we should conduct in-depth inspection and reflection, dig deep into the root of thinking, and implement in-depth rectification and reform.

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The meeting pointed out that editing and publishing “Selected Readings of Xi Jinping’s Works” is a major decision made by the Party Central Committee and a major event in the political life of the Party and the country. It is necessary to effectively improve the political position, deeply understand the important role of “Selected Readings of Xi Jinping’s Works” and the great significance of studying selected readings, and continue to deepen the work of studying “Selected Readings of Xi Jinping’s Works” in accordance with the deployment of the Party Central Committee and the requirements of this symposium. It is necessary to study “Selected Readings of Xi Jinping’s Works” as a major political task of insisting on using Xi Jinping’s socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era to condense the heart and soul, and guide the majority of party members and cadres in the province to more deeply understand the decisive significance of the “two establishments” and strengthen the “four Consciousness”, strengthen the “four self-confidence”, achieve “two safeguards”, follow the general secretary more firmly and consciously, forge ahead on a new journey, and make contributions to a new era. It is necessary to persist in learning, understanding, understanding and practice, and take learning selected readings as an important content of thematic education, and deeply understand and grasp the theoretical characteristics, scientific system, worldview methodology and grand mission of Xi Jinping’s socialist thought with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and combine Daxing investigation and research to form More practical and effective practical and hard moves will better promote the implementation of key tasks such as the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the construction of a strong manufacturing province, the “High-quality Development Project of Hundred Counties, Thousands of Towns and Thousands of Villages”, and the ecological construction of Green Beauty Guangdong. Turn the learning effect into a powerful driving force to promote Guangdong’s modernization.

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The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to conscientiously study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important exposition on the cause of the disabled, fully implement the deployment requirements of the Party Central Committee, organize and implement our province’s opinions on promoting the high-quality development of the cause of the disabled in the new era, and promote the cause of the disabled in our province. All-round development, promoting the all-round development and common prosperity of the disabled. We must grasp the key points, strengthen disability prevention and rehabilitation, actively promote the employment and entrepreneurship of the disabled, continue to improve the level of social security for the disabled, improve the care and service system for the disabled, continuously improve the quality of special education, and vigorously promote technology to help the disabled, industry to help the disabled, and public welfare to help the disabled. , create a social environment of equality, integration and sharing, earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the disabled, and strive to create a new situation for the development of the cause of the disabled in our province. Party committees and governments at all levels in the province must incorporate the cause of the disabled into the overall situation of economic and social development, improve the leadership system and working mechanism, and increase policy support and funding guarantees. Workers with disabilities must concentrate on providing good services, and all sectors of society must actively participate in helping the disabled, and jointly make the cause of the disabled an important window that reflects Guangdong’s high-quality development level and social civilization.

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The meeting also studied other matters.

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