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Lower high blood pressure naturally: what conventional medicine hides

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Lower high blood pressure naturally: what conventional medicine hides

Why should you lower your blood pressure naturally – when there are medications?

High blood pressure often goes unnoticed for a long time and is not taken seriously by many sufferers even after the diagnosis. It is the main trigger for cardiovascular diseases, including life-threatening ones such as heart attacks or strokes. Appropriate medications lower blood pressure and thus the risk of secondary diseases – but they also have side effects: gastrointestinal problems, allergies, dizziness and a dry cough are just a few examples from the long list of package inserts.

Apart from that, you have to be aware that the body does not do all this “for fun” and does not react with high blood pressure without reason. Pills only treat the symptoms, not the cause. Imagine that you drive your car on bad roads and you break it down more and more. Then the logical solution is not to constantly invest in workshop repairs. Instead, you would rather look for suitable new ways before your “chassis” is completely unusable one day…

What are the basic lifestyle changes someone with high blood pressure should make?

In order to get to the root of high blood pressure, you first have to ask yourself the question: What are the actual causes? This automatically leads to the factors that have been proven to help lower blood pressure naturally. The “top 5” of the most effective levers are an appropriate diet, regular exercise, sufficient sleep, stress reduction and a healthy body weight.

But don’t worry: You don’t have to turn all five screws at the same time! The trick is to gradually change daily habits. From experience I can say that even the smallest steps can have a huge impact. Some were surprised to fall from the highest to the medium or even the lowest high blood pressure classification within a few weeks. And that without completely turning everyday life upside down.

How can diet help to naturally lower high blood pressure?

Doctors often only casually mention that a look at nutrition would be useful. Ultimately, however, high blood pressure patients are left alone with this. The potential behind it is of course completely underestimated by most of those affected. And that’s huge, as a US study with 412 participants showed, for example: A diet high in fruit, vegetables, low-fat dairy products and low in saturated fat and cholesterol has been shown to lower blood pressure. The effects can be so great that drug treatment can be reduced or even discontinued. In people with slightly to moderately high blood pressure in particular, the values ​​dropped so much that they no longer needed tablets.

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Everyone can find their own way here, making a change in diet even fun and not perceived as a great effort or sacrifice.

What role does exercise play in fighting high blood pressure naturally and how to design an effective exercise program?

Exercise is good and important in so many ways – including blood pressure. If you don’t feel like exercising, you don’t necessarily have to work up a sweat: Even a simple walk helps to normalize your blood pressure. The important thing is to exercise regularly.

I also recommend endurance sports for people with blood pressure values ​​below 160/100 mmHg. The best results are achieved with a daily training session of at least 30 minutes, which can also be divided into shorter units, eg three times 10 minutes each. It’s also important to start small. This can also quickly bring success on the blood pressure monitor. As long as you don’t overexert yourself, any endurance sport such as jogging, swimming, cycling, Nordic walking or hiking is suitable.

However, anyone who regularly has blood pressure values ​​above 160/100 mmHg or has not been physically active for a very long time should have a doctor examine them before starting training.

What is the role of stress in high blood pressure and how can we effectively manage it?

First of all, not all stress is the same. If the body releases hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol in the short term, this is not immediately harmful to health. It only becomes problematic when this condition lasts not just for a few hours but for weeks or months. So if we are “constantly stressed”, these stress hormones also get into our blood continuously – and thus ensure a constantly high blood pressure. In most cases, this dangerous chronic stress has already crept into everyday life in people with high blood pressure.

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Classic methods of coping with stress such as breathing and relaxation techniques, meditation or going for a walk are often smiled at. But the fact is: If you manage to integrate just one of these anti-stress tools into your everyday routine for a few minutes, you will notice a difference. This is shown by reliable scientific sources and this is also what my clients tell me.

Are there any specific foods or supplements that can help lower high blood pressure naturally?

Definitely, some foods actually have a reputation for being natural blood pressure reducers. These include vegetables such as asparagus, spinach, lamb’s lettuce, kale, beetroot and fruits such as bananas, blueberries, kiwis and apricots. Walnuts, kidney beans, rhubarb and garlic also have a positive effect. The list of sensible foods and dietary changes is of course much longer and more complex. But this also has the advantage that everyone can find the perfect, everyday solution for themselves.

There are also a number of dietary supplements that naturally lower high blood pressure. Here, however, the current nutrient status should always be checked individually. The most important in this context are omega-3, magnesium, B vitamins and vitamins C and D.

What role does body weight play in high blood pressure and how can it support healthy weight loss?

Increased body weight puts a strain on the entire cardiovascular system in many ways. Keeping this intact into old age is an immense challenge for our society: cardiovascular diseases are the No. 1 cause of death!

In the case of high blood pressure, the simple connection is that every pound you lose reduces the pressure in the blood vessels. Or with a specific example for those who are already more deeply involved in the subject: a weight loss of just five kilograms lowers the systolic blood pressure value by around 4.4 mmHg and the diastolic value by 3.6 mmHg. By the way, with a change in diet you kill two birds with one stone, because it is the most effective way to lose kilos in the long term.

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Frequently asked questions on this topic

What exactly is a “TOFI”?

TOFI stands for “thin outside, fat inside”. These are people who appear slim on the outside but hide dangerous fat on the inside. Body mass index (BMI) can be deceptive here as it…

Denise Bianchini

Certified health and nutritionist with many years of experience

How does the body fat of a TOFI differ from that of an overweight person?

TOFIs may have more visceral fat, which resides in the abdominal cavity and makes organs fatty, than obese people. This is of concern as it…

Denise Bianchini

Certified health and nutritionist with many years of experience

What are the health risks associated with “TOFI”?

TOFIs are susceptible to damage to health because the inner fat makes the organs fatty and releases pro-inflammatory messenger substances. This can lead to diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cancer, …

Denise Bianchini

Certified health and nutritionist with many years of experience

Are there specific symptoms or signs that point to TOFI?

TOFIs often have little visible musculature, narrow joints and hardly any fat on the arms, legs and hips. The fat mass is usually concentrated on the abdomen. Possible non-specific symptoms are …

Denise Bianchini

Certified health and nutritionist with many years of experience

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