Home » Our Friday platforms do not keep pace with what the national scene knows of the secular current’s daring against our religion and our Islamic identity.

Our Friday platforms do not keep pace with what the national scene knows of the secular current’s daring against our religion and our Islamic identity.

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Our Friday platforms do not keep pace with what the national scene knows of the secular current’s daring against our religion and our Islamic identity.

Mohamed Sharky

It is well known that God Almighty did not legislate for His faithful servants the weekly Friday prayer, except that its sermons from the pulpit should keep pace with and keep pace with what their weekly life knows of various events that are presented to His law, so that he can decide on them in order to achieve their righteousness and provide them with happiness.

And the sermons of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, kept pace with the reality of the situation of the believers at that time, and they were a weekly legislation that took into account that reality. And on his path, his rightly guided caliphs, the followers, and those who followed them with goodness and emulation followed, until what happened in the reality of Muslims occurred in the eras that followed, where the gathering speeches turned into serving the owners of the authority with propaganda and praising them, despite what was in some of them of tyranny and tyranny. Thus, those sermons deviated from the goal that God Almighty wanted for them, and which was achieved practically and procedurally by His Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and those of his honorable companions, may God Almighty be pleased with them, and those who followed them with goodness, may God’s mercy be upon them.

Without going into a long discussion of a historical review of what the Friday sermon went through in Muslim countries, we pass directly to the reality of its situation today in our society specifically as it is the wing of the Islamic world in its west, and we refer directly to the events that our national arena knows, especially what it promotes and propagates in the media in a way Unprecedented is the growing secular trend, whose followers from all walks of life are sharing fronts in order to embolden our true religion in various ways and means, which have become exposed, and speak of what is intended as plots and malicious cunning, and behind it are external parties that are pressing hard to provide support for this trend. In order to achieve the goals that I set for him that it wants to achieve in order to serve its interests, the foremost of which is striking our Islamic identity at the core.

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And that our society today raises the secular current in current issues, which can be summed up in that they are all pouring into an open attempt to destroy our Islamic law and eliminate our identity, otherwise what does it mean that those issues that are marketed in the media on a large scale, under the banner of individual freedoms, are an offer of alternatives Secularism intended to replace what God Almighty legislated and what His Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, enacted, among which we mention, for example, but are not limited to, the issue of demanding apostasy after Islam, the issue of legalizing the immorality of the people of Lot, the legalization of adultery after their prohibition, and the issue of demanding nakedness and unveiling. And wanton display instead of covering and hijab, and the issue of legalizing abortion resulting from incest, instead of preserving the lives of innocent fetuses, and the issue of legalizing public weaning in Ramadan, instead of fasting, and the issue of demanding public intoxication and orgies, instead of ending drinking, and the issue of demanding the suspension of the texts of the Holy Qur’an related to inheritance shares… And other than that, which is a secular project, and an integrated conspiracy targeting our true religion, and our Islamic identity at the core.

In contrast to the great media hype for this malicious and cunning secular project, there is absolute silence about it at the Ministry, the guardian of our religious affairs, which openly disrupts the function of the Friday pulpits by threatening to isolate those who engage in the discussion of this suspicious project among the preachers, which is what made them, especially those who They have no source of livelihood, except for what they receive from a low wage compared to the rest of the wages in various sectors in our country. They are reluctant to delve into the secular media uproar, which has intensified recently, for fear that they will be dismissed and expelled, especially since the ministry has made some of the preachers it dismissed a threat. And a lesson to them.

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For this reason, most of the gathering sermons turned into empty speeches, with a loose structure, and had nothing to do with what the society knew of events in a delicate circumstance. And people have come to attend the congregation for the tool of the two rak’ahs of her prayer only because there is nothing in her sermons that benefits them. And most of them leave the mosques after performing the prayer with a sense of disappointment in those sermons, because of the shallowness of the structure and meaning they contain, and their omission of the issues that should be raised in the realities of living in a very delicate and dangerous circumstance. Many of them may not hide their strong criticism of what the rhetoric has turned into, diverting from what it originally prescribed, and among them are the cynics, the mockers of it, and those who deliver it. living reality, and it has entrusted them with those who spy on them, as if it is conspiring with the secular current by harassing them in confronting it in exchange for what it finds space for expression through various media, including official, social media of all kinds, as well as external support that makes it a means of threat or A bogeyman if it restricts its activity and movement, especially when it restricts our country to so-called international or cosmic commitments, all of which, when contemplated and scrutinized, pour into the secular project’s invasion of our society, targeting our Islamic identity that we no longer have motives to bite into, as our noble Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, advised us to do God bless him and grant him peace.

The time has come for our people to say to the Minister of Religious Affairs, leave, as was said to other ministers who fail in their duties, because he too is a failure, and his giving to him does not serve our religion, or preserve our Islamic identity, and all his concern, rather his only concern, is to serve his method. The witness to this is what the media affiliated with his ministry presents, with the exception of what is recited from the Book of God Almighty, whose recitation of praises, many hearings, and conversations about the conditions of the doomed, as opposed to neglecting the conditions of the living who are provided for. And the starting point of this minister in managing the affairs of the ministry that he imitated is still the content of his novel: which he is famous for, including the imagination and illusions that have no connection to reality.

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For how long will the gathering platforms remain suspended in this open manner, and the mouths of the preachers are gagged, while the mouths of the followers of the secular movement say what they want and when they want, and there is no censor or accountant in a country whose constitution stipulates that its official religion is Islam???

And a final word to the preachers, summed up by the Arabic wisdom that says: “The free woman starves, and she does not eat with her breasts.”

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