Home » Show greater responsibility and action in promoting the high-quality development of agriculture and animal husbandry

Show greater responsibility and action in promoting the high-quality development of agriculture and animal husbandry

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“We must give full play to the advantages of agriculture and animal husbandry, start with land, technology, seed sources, water, grass, etc., steadily optimize the regional layout and production structure of agriculture and animal husbandry, promote the transformation and development of agriculture and animal husbandry, vigorously develop ecological agriculture and animal husbandry, and grasp the Good intensive processing of agricultural and livestock products and building of green and organic brands will promote the integrated development of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and promote the high-quality development of agriculture and animal husbandry.” In recent days, the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech during his inspection of Inner Mongolia has greatly encouraged the work of the agricultural and animal husbandry system in the region By.

Affectionate concern warms the heart, and cordial care inspires people to forge ahead. Cadres and masses in the agricultural and animal husbandry system expressed that the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech on inspecting Inner Mongolia has guided and pointed out the direction for the high-quality development of agriculture and animal husbandry in Inner Mongolia, making cadres and masses more motivated to start their own businesses. Everyone said that they should concentrate their efforts, shoulder heavy responsibilities, show greater responsibility and achievements in promoting the high-quality development of agriculture and animal husbandry, and strive to build an important national agricultural and livestock product production base with large quantities and high quality.

  Point out the direction, gather strength and move forward with strong momentum

Spring fights for the sun, summer fights for the time. At present, the sowing of 2.29 million mu of crops in Dalat Banner, Ordos City has basically been completed. The construction of key agricultural and animal husbandry projects such as 40,000 mu of new high-standard farmland and 4 dairy farms is being accelerated.

“It pointed out the direction of development and made us more confident!” The important speech of the general secretary resonated strongly in the heart of Yang Zhanjun, head of the industry department of the Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Bureau of Dalat Banner. At present, it is accelerating the development of large-scale, industrialized and branded agriculture and animal husbandry, focusing on the construction of advantageous and characteristic industrial clusters, modern agricultural and animal husbandry industrial parks, and agricultural industry strong towns, and striving to build a modern agricultural and animal husbandry industry system .”

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Food security is the biggest country. On the vast black land of Hulun Buir, the crops have sprouted, adding vitality to the fertile fields thousands of miles away.

How to secure China’s rice bowl, how to keep the “granary” of northern Xinjiang? After listening to the important speech of the general secretary, Xu Zhongbao, chief of the comprehensive section of the Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Bureau of Hulunbeier, became more confident: “In the next step, we will focus on ‘grain, meat, milk, land planting machine, chain service gold, and green security’ based on the reality of Hulunbuir. , and strive to create a modern agricultural and animal husbandry development system with strong supply guarantee capabilities, strong industrial chain resilience, strong new management system, and strong green development level.”

Hu Youlin, Director of the Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Technology Extension Center of the Autonomous Region, was encouraged and excited by the important speech of the General Secretary. He said that in the next step, Inner Mongolia should achieve results in increasing water supply and saving water, realizing the transformation from irrigation to seedlings, from extensive to precise watering, from inefficient to efficient water use, and towards stable grain supply, water conservation and increased water consumption. Transformation and upgrading of high-efficiency water-saving agriculture with high efficiency and ecological conservation.

“We must unswervingly advance bravely in the direction guided by the general secretary, and fully promote the spirit of the general secretary’s important speeches and important instructions to be effective.” Ibuletu, head of the Xilin Gol League Animal Husbandry Workstation, said that Xilin Gol League is a large animal husbandry industry. The alliance will take the seed industry revitalization action as an opportunity to establish and improve the breeding system of fine-bred livestock, accelerate the promotion and application of fine varieties, and promote the transformation of the animal husbandry of Xilin Gol League to high-yield, high-quality, and efficient.

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 Take responsibility to promote the high-quality development of agriculture and animal husbandry

In the modern agricultural demonstration park on the south bank of Wuliangsuhai Sea, the demonstration field of interplanting pepper with wheat interplanted by Beidou Navigation is in good condition.

“The wheat planted in the demonstration park is the nationally approved new variety Bamai No. 13 independently cultivated by the Institute of Agricultural Sciences of our city. It has the characteristics of high yield and good resistance. It is being promoted on a large scale in the Hetao area. In future work, we must actively Take responsibility and strive to realize good fields, good seeds, good laws, good opportunities, and good system facilities, and make Bayannaoer City a modern agricultural demonstration zone.” Said Wang Xing, deputy director of the Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Bureau of Bayannaoer City.

Horqin District of Tongliao City is an important commodity grain base in the country. In recent years, Horqin District has actively cooperated with scientific research institutes and established the Li Shaokun Expert Workstation of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences to promote high-yield corn dense planting technology and provide technical support for the development of the planting industry.

“We will keep in mind the entrustment, scientifically promote the adjustment of the planting industry structure, and complete the high-quality soybean-corn strip compound planting task and the soybean clearing goal. Focus on production problems, strengthen agricultural machinery and agronomy cooperation, focus on supporting and serving the development of local characteristic industries, and promote agricultural transformation Upgrade.” said Li Shoujun, member of the party group of the Horqin District Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Bureau and director of the Agricultural Technology Promotion Center.

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In recent years, Saihan District of Hohhot City has given full play to its advantages in location and large-scale facility agriculture, vigorously developed characteristic industries, extended the leisure agriculture industry chain, and promoted the deep integration of agriculture, culture and tourism.

Chen Chu, director of the Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Water Conservancy Bureau of Saihan District, said: “The general secretary’s concern for agriculture has undoubtedly strengthened the confidence and motivation of our agricultural workers. As grassroots agricultural workers, we will base ourselves on our own work, go deep into the grassroots and the masses , to contribute to the revitalization of the countryside.”

Agriculture is the foundation of the country, and seeds are the cornerstone. In recent years, Inner Mongolia has focused on the “three major projects” focusing on the protection and utilization of germplasm resources, the improvement of the level of improved varieties, and the cultivation of superior and characteristic varieties, and has accelerated Inner Mongolia’s leap from a large seed industry area to a strong seed industry area.

Meng Zhigang, director of the Seed Industry Management Division of the Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Department of the Autonomous Region, said that we must always keep in mind the entrustment, firmly grasp the “chip” of agriculture and animal husbandry, and orderly promote the construction of the “Watching and Selecting Seeds” platform, making the platform a good choice for farmers. The grandstand, the arena for seed enterprise variety competition, the platform for agricultural and animal husbandry departments to promote new varieties, and accelerate the pace of popularization and application of fine varieties. (Reporter Han Xueru and Xue Bilige Battelle)

(Editors in charge: Zhang Xuedong, Liu Ze)

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