Home » Colonel Carlos Zapata and his bid to become the Mayor of Palmira

Colonel Carlos Zapata and his bid to become the Mayor of Palmira

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Colonel Carlos Zapata and his bid to become the Mayor of Palmira

“It is about showing what Palmira represents: it is not only the second most important city in Valle del Cauca or the 20th largest city in capitals of Colombia; It has great strengths, eight universities, the Alfonso Bonilla Aragón International Airport, located in the township of Palmaseca, being the third with the highest passenger movement, after Bogotá and Medellín, the free zone, agricultural capital, “the City of Las Palmas” , “the city of cycles”; These are the words of Carlos Alberto Zapata, Colonel of the active reserve of the National Police, he was secretary of security of Palmira, and is currently a candidate for the Mayor’s Office of Palmira.

Zapata, was a police officer, Colonel, Secretary of Security of Palmira, has done a lot of work throughout the territory, touring the urban and rural areas, managing to work in various parts of the country, advising entities on security issues at the private, public and across country; he has trained nationally and internationally, but it is Palmyra, a city that he declares he is “in love with”, wonderful and that he considers he should receive more.

Carlos defines himself as a “politics gummy”, he has never been a professional politician, on the contrary, he defines himself as an empirical person, since he likes “the philosophy that imparts politics”, the one that allows serving the community, work as a team in an articulated way and generate opportunities for people and the territory; the attention of the inhabitants of Palmira is first, “not to the brick, to the walls, which come in the background, we are going to achieve the development of the entire community,” he pointed out.

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Coexistence, tranquility and citizen security? Carlos signs that not only because Palmira asks for it, the statistics support it; the criminal attack, the environmental noise, as well as the series of effects on community development, are evidence of this; Due to his knowledge, the successful experience that he helped to generate, the good contacts, Palmira has tools to generate “a differential brand at the territorial level and they are reasons for him to affirm that if he is elected mayor in 2024, he guarantees that in” 18 months other municipalities will want to replicate the successful experience of Palmira”.

But what does the Differential Brand for Palmira consist of: it implies guaranteeing security, tranquility and coexistence, which in turn will make possible a greater job opportunity, tourism, investment, economic development for the city.

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Carlos Zapata, is part of “Sí por el Valle”, a corporation in which he recognizes suitable values ​​and a great commitment to the independent for Valle del Cauca; provide comprehensive security, empowerment, as well as actions and activities to create that differential brand.

Zapata is part of the coalition of 12 municipalities of Valle del Cauca, which are part of this corporation and of course at the territorial level, the inhabitants already listen to “Si por Palmira”, focused on their territory.

Three fundamental bets:

1. Address the social fabric of opportunities for young people at high risk: unquestionably removing the criminal economy from the tangle of young people is essential, get them out through comprehensive opportunities; For Zapata, it cannot be allowed that a 17-year-old boy, with a motorcycle, a revolver, earning easy money committing crimes, does not pay attention to him, that is why it is necessary to exercise it in the path of authority and norms.

2. “Educate the boy and you will not have to punish the man”: “It is a phrase that I did not say, it has been in force for centuries”, this phrase from Pythagoras is fundamental in education through two particularities: it means that education must be direct, concrete and dynamic, to empower our children, and they will be projected tomorrow for the venture; but it must also be offered to young people who in one way or another want to participate or be redirected at the educational level, all “with authority”.

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3. “Respect for one ends where respect for the other begins”: another phrase that I did not say but is pertinent; economic, social, cultural and sports development, which makes it possible to generate for Palmira, Citizen Security, tranquility and coexistence: opportunities for everyone, from the adult who complains about the high volumes, about the noise around residences, to social work opportunities , cultural, artistic, sports, For all there is an established norm.

“Invitation for you from Palmyra, for you from Palmyra, is that you understand from the heart that the subject of politics is quite a deep subject, politics as a philosophy is phenomenal, but what some politicians have done in the country has been disastrous,” says Zapata , more than talking about aspects and from the point of view of colors, politics must recognize the needs of citizens and the territory, to guarantee tranquility, coexistence, bringing with it love, healthy coexistence, to enjoy and enjoy quietly .

Profile Carlos Alberto Zapata

Business Administrator, police administrator, has studies in Economics, is a Colonel of the Active Reserve of the National Police.

He has served as an advisor in different territories of Colombia.

Adviser on security issues, privately and publicly. He was Secretary of Security in Palmira throughout many parts of the country. Well, we are on the day of with a commitment to Palmira. Well, really, we in Palmira are very focused first on touring the city as we have done more than 7 years ago. this city did not fall in love ostensibly it is a supremely wonderful city.

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He was Secretary of Security in the municipality of Palmira: during his tenure in this municipality in the south of Valle del Cauca, he was a leader in the southwest of Colombia in terms of reducing homicides.


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