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Two meetings between Sergio Massa and Cristina Kirchner sealed the swerve in the formula

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Two meetings between Sergio Massa and Cristina Kirchner sealed the swerve in the formula

Just one day before the deadline to present the lists of candidates for the PASO, Cristina Kirchner y Sergio Massathey met in the Senate and they managed to unblock the negotiations that made it possible for the pro-government front to Union for the Fatherland run for the elections on August 13 with a unit list which will be made up of the Minister of Economy and the current Chief of Staff, Agustín Rossi.

There were two meetings in 24 hours, in the midst of negotiations against the clock. This Friday they met in the Senate at around 6:00 p.m. in the office of the vice president, after a meeting between Massa and her small table at the Palace of Finance.

Sergio Massa will run for president with Agustín Rossi as vice-president

Although it was known that the ruling party was negotiating the possibility of the Minister of Economy presenting himself as a candidate for senator for the province of Buenos Aires, around 9:00 p.m. on Friday the 23rd, the news was released through the Twitter account of the electoral front, a kind of white smoke that lowered the confirmed formula of Wado De Pedro and Juan Manzur, in a strange but understandable swerve.

“Union for the Homeland has a UNITY list. Due to institutional, political and social responsibility, our space has decided to form a unity list that will represent us in the next elections,” the Front announced on its social networks, leaving a surprise ending for the frantic closing of lists of the ruling party.

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The result of the negotiations caused surprise among pro-government leaders and relatives, who at the end of this Friday did not dare to confirm anything and summarized what were accelerated negotiations as a regular part of the process of closing lists.

Ricardo Quintela revealed that Alberto Fernández proposed a unit list headed by Sergio Massa

Hours after the decision to go to the election with a list of unity was known, from a sector of Kirchnerism they already warned that anything could happen and they explained that the delay in making official the presidential formula that the Minister of the Interior, Eduardo “Wado” De Pedro was planning to lead, was linked to the “lack of internal agreements” and the pressure for a list of unity. The announcement was going to be at 4:00 p.m., then it went to 6:00 p.m. and finally to 7:00 p.m. But it never happened.

“The video is already recorded and is published this afternoon”, They had stated this morning to the Noticias Argentinas agency from the environment of the Minister of the Interior, Eduardo “Wado” de Pedro, who planned to make official this Friday the governor of Tucumán, Juan Manzur, as his running mate.

“To burst the polls” and “failed minister”: the reactions to the candidacy of Sergio Massa

Ricardo Quintenla and the message from the governors to the president

What seemed like an imminent announcement began to bog down after the governor of La Rioja, Ricardo Quintela, stated that President Alberto Fernández proposed to the Peronist governors who visited him this Thursday at the Casa Rosada to put together a list of unity led by the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, as long as he could choose the Vice President.

“From what they said, the President said: ‘Well, I propose that you propose Massa and I put the vice president,'” Quintela said in radio statements, recounting the details of the meeting that the head of state held with the governors Raúl Jalil (Catamarca) and Gerardo Zamora (Santiago del Estero).

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As if the pressure from the governors was not enough, the operations began to escalate when the rumor circulated that Sergio Massa had raised doubts about his continuity at the head of the Ministry of Economy in case he was not chosen as the “sole candidate”, something that massismo came out to deny through the leak of a chat that the Tigrense would have sent to his collaborators to ratify that he would continue to lead the Palace of Finance.

Juan Grabois dropped his candidacy to support Wado de Pedro

Wado de Pedro met with Cristina Kirchner in the Senate

The Minister of the Interior and until today a presidential candidate went to Congress this Friday and met with the Vice President in the Senate. The national official did not receive authorization from the former president to confirm her running mate, since her intention was to communicate it when they have the endorsement of the most representative sectors of the coalition.

“You have to be patient. Anything can happen,” they summarized to NA from the environment of the then-launched presidential candidate, who predicted that the pressures will continue until 11:59 p.m. this Saturday, but finally the electoral strategy was made official at the last minute of this Friday, with an announcement on social networks of the unit list headed by Sergio Massa and seconded by Agustín Rossi. The one chosen by the governors, the one chosen by President Alberto Fernández and the formula that Cristina Kirchner blessed.

Wado from candidate for president to first deputy to senator for the province of Buenos Aires

According to reports, Eduardo Wado De Pedro will be the first candidate for Senate for the Province of Buenos Aires, Máximo Kirchner, in turn, will head the list of deputies for the province of Buenos Aires.

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source: NA



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