Home » one by one, the 13 formulas that confirmed his presidential candidacy

one by one, the 13 formulas that confirmed his presidential candidacy

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one by one, the 13 formulas that confirmed his presidential candidacy

After weeks of tense negotiations and last-minute surprises, sThe lists of the main political fronts that will compete in the Primary, Open, Simultaneous and Mandatory Elections (PASO), scheduled for August 13, were released. Next, we present all the lists of candidates: the pairings of the ruling party and the opposition that will lead the different formulas.

In a heated list closure, there were last-minute announcements in the main political parties. Leaving secrecy and rumors behind for the other, These are the lists of the main political fronts and their candidates.

Union for the Homeland and its list of unity not so united: Massa-Rossi will dispute his place with Grabois-Abal Medina, in the PASO 2023

The official front, Unión por la Patria, managed to close a list of national unity. Or at least, that was spread at first. The candidate for president will be the current Minister of EconomySergio Massa, and his vice will be Agustín Rossi, Chief of Staff.

Although an intern was originally expected with the participation of Eduardo “Wado” de Pedro and Juan Manzur, both declined their applications. Daniel Scioli did the same, other of the candidates who had ensured their competition within the former Front of All.

Juan Grabois signed his presidential candidacy to go to the PASO of the ruling party and chose a running mate for

However, in a last minute surprise, Juan Grabois spoke out against this decision and decided to support his candidacy. That is why the leader got the necessary guarantees and will compete in the PASO accompanied by Paula Abal Medina, against Sergio Massa and Agustín Rossi.

PASO 2023: Together for Change will decide its formula between Rodríguez Larreta-Morales and Bullrich-Petri

On the opposition front, Together for Change, there will be an internal between two pairs. Horacio Rodríguez Larreta will present himself as a candidate for president, accompanied by the governor of Jujuy Gerardo Morales as vice.

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This formula is part of a strategy to bring the PRO closer to the UCR. The same Friday, Larreta made the announcement that Morales will accompany him in his presidential project, despite being involved in a situation of extreme tension in his province, after the mobilizations produced by the partial reform of the local Constitution.

On the other hand, P.Atricia Bullrich did not get off and will also head another list for the presidential votewith deputy Luis Petri as his running mate.

Although those names already resonated, what was not known was who their vice presidents were. The confirmation of the former Minister of Security announced that she will be accompanied by the former national deputy from Mendoza, Luis Petri, who comes from losing in the provincial elections for governor against Alfredo Cornejo by almost ten points of difference.

PASO 2023: Milei-Villarruel, the duo of libertarians who will seek to open their way in the face of the presidential elections

The party Freedom Advances confirmed his presidential formula with Javier Milei as a candidate for president and the liberal legislator Victoria Villarruel as his pre-candidate for vice president. This duo was announced ahead of time compared to other political fronts.

On his official Twitter account, the national deputy launched his campaign #UnaArgentinaDistinta and affirmed that he comes “to seriously change things”, because he wants to “end this model that only benefits politicians and their friends.”

STEP 2023: Schiaretti completed his formula and Hacemos por Nuestro País added Randazzo as a vice-presidential candidate

The Party We Do for Our Country will present the governor of Córdoba, Juan Schiaretti, as a candidate for president, and the deputy Florencio Randazzo as his vice. This alliance represents Cordoba Peronism, the Socialist Party, the Christian Democratic Party and other provincial forces.

Yes ok the governor of Córdoba had been invited by a certain sector allied to Larreta in Together for Change, internal pressure caused the alliance to fail. Far from getting out of the candidacy, the Cordoba man managed to close his vice-candidate and summoned Florencio Randazzo, who was a presidential candidate in the 2015 elections.

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STEP 2023: Moreno-Fabre of Principles and Values ​​will be another Peronist option that will go outside Unión por la Patria

The former Secretary of Commerce of Kirchnerism, Guillermo Moreno, wrote down Principles and Values ​​for his political front, an orthodox Peronist alternative. His running mate will be Leonardo Fabre, 72, leader of the union of the Association of Personnel of Control Organizations (Apops).

Space, which has among its members the leader Luis D’Elía and the butcher businessman Alberto Samid, added Hugo Moyano, in the last hours. The inclusion of the union leader was generated after Daniel Scioli’s decline to compete, within the Unión por la Patria.

STEP 2023: the duos Bregman-Del Caño and Solano-Ripoll will define the candidacy of the Left Front at the polls

The Left Front will have an internal one in which two pairs will be presented. In one of them, the deputy Myriam Bregman and the legislator Nicolás del Caño will compete as pre-candidates for president and vice president, respectively.

The candidate had announced in early February that she would lead a list in this year’s elections, who will represent an internal alliance between the Socialist Workers Party (PTS) and the Socialist Left.

On the other hand, Gabriel Solano and Vilma Ripoll will form the other candidacy that will represent another list to dispute the seal of the Left Fronta, in a formula integrated politically by the Partido Obrero and MST.

Thus, the list that will be headed by the Buenos Aires legislator and the union leader will bear the name “Unity of fighters and the Left” in the midst of tensions and cross criticism with the PTS and IS.

PASO 2023: The Nuevo Más goes with Castañeira-Ruiz, a candidacy already announced

He New MAS did not enter the Left Front and he scored his own alliance, which will go to the STEP without internal competition. The formula is integrated by the sociologist Manuela Castañeira (who is once again a presidential candidate as in 2019) and the teacher from Neuquén Lucas Ruiz.

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STEP 2023: Labor Policy will also be another option for the left that did not enter the FIT with Ramal-Urones

The front Labor Policy -represented by the Partido Obrero- presented Marcelo Ramal, a former Buenos Aires legislator, economist and university professor, as a candidate for president. He will be accompanied in the formula by Patricia Urones, who worked in the trade union and is also a teacher.

STEP 2023: Libres del Sur nominated Escobar-Lezama Hid as presidential ticket

The Libres del Sur party, founded by Humberto Tumini, presented a presidential formula headed by jesus escobarfrom the province of Neuquén, and Marianella Lezama Hidfrom Santiago del Estero.

STEP 2023: the Federal Patriot Front, Demos, Youth Dignity Left Movement,

He Federal Patriotic Front He postulated the formula integrated by Cesar Biondini as a candidate for president and Mariel Avendano a vice.

Another internal competition is the one that will take place within the Left Movement Youth Dignity, between the formula that heads Santiago Cuneo, seconded by Gustavo Barranco and the one who applies for Raúl Castells y Adriana Reinoso.

inside the front Demos, will compete for the presidential nomination julio barbaro y Nazarene Etchepare. In addition, the formulas Pablo Gobbi – Julio Archet, by the Front Liber.Ary Mempo Giardinelli – Barbara Solemou, for him Movement Peace Democracy and sovereignty.

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