Home » I drove the McLaren Artura in California – here’s how it went

I drove the McLaren Artura in California – here’s how it went

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I drove the McLaren Artura in California – here’s how it went

You say McLaren and you think of the history of Formula 1, indeed to Historythe one with the Capital Sthe one made up of men, the smell of oil and petrol, glamor and cover girls, but also of distorted pilots and almost disfigured after the Grands Prix, with the signs of the glasses to delimit the clean part from the one black as coal.

And there is also the story of a man who comes from the furthest place imaginable, the New Zelandto write pages that remain memorable. Bruce McLarenwho spends hours in the workshop of his father’s service station, decides to become a driver and he really becomes one, arriving in Europe thanks to another God of Formula 1: Jack Brabahm. In 1959, with the Cooper stable, at the age of 22 he became the youngest pilot to have won a GP. But that was not enough and in 1963 he founded the Bruce McLaren Motor Racing Ltd. When it makes its first appearance in F1 in 1966 it is one of the many teams that revolve around the world championship circus, and Bruce certainly cannot know that he has given life to what will be one of the longest running stables everbehind only Ferrari.

And even without Bruce, who died in a race at Goodwood in 1970, McLaren will reap victories in the following years. The roster of world champions is impressive: Senna, Prost, Hakkinen, Hunt, Lauda e Fittipaldi. It is known that Italians are born Ferrari enthusiasts, so hats off to the binomial Senna McLaren which has shaken the hearts of many of us. Yes, because if in the end we have a boundless admiration for British motorsport, McLaren represents the closest thing to what we know. It is the story of a man, a team, and a brand of super sports cars. It tells you something vero?

What the McLaren Artura is like up close

These are the thoughts that run through my mind when I see the McLaren Artura live. I had met her at MiMo 2021, but this time I had to go all the way to California, in the Sonoma Valleya couple of hours’ drive from San Francisco.

McLaren Artura is one supercar ibrida plug-incertified by a low and streamlined line. But above all the Artura is a McLaren, which maintains the own identity in a world of copies and clones. You recognize it at first glance despite a series of innovative stylistic solutions. It’s not just about the headlights, almost a signature, but about many small details which have been sewn into a harmonious and well-proportioned dress.

There is a pronounced and elongated snout, which projects downwards, giving that air of determination which always pleases. The roof is made of a single aluminum component that extends seamlessly, including the A-pillars. A courageous approachor, which highlights the principle of formal purity that characterizes the car as well as the philosophy of light engineering, which has always been a fundamental element in DNA di McLarennow at the center of design choices.

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At the rear, we find a long and thin LED lights, which does not seek the wow effect but rather elegance and modernity. The two exhaust pipes positioned in the center but raised, tell much more than you can imagine, while the carbon deflectors help to improve the overall aerodynamics.

The V6 biturbo engine and the Axial Flux electric motor

Il powertrain della Artura combines an engine V6 biturbo da 3.0 literswhich delivers 585 HP, with a 95 HP electric motor, for a total power of 680 CV. Compared to the previous V8, the V6 engine features more compact dimensions and a weight reduced by 50 kg, with a reduction of 19 cm in terms of length. This combination of power and lightness translates into outstanding performance, outperforming even models such as the Elva and Senna, so much so that the Artura’s specific power reaches 487hp per ton.

The V6 engine’s twin turbochargers are positioned lower than those fitted to the 720S’s V8. This arrangement frees up more space for cooling, ensuring optimal performance. Furthermore, the exhaust system has been designed to be as “straight” as possible, minimizing power losses and maintaining a distinctive sound.

Another distinctive feature of the Artura is the electric motor design, known as Axial Flux. To give an idea, this engine is similar in size to a McLaren brake disc, weighs just 15.4 kg, but is capable of generating up to 95 HP and 225 Nm, allowing you to travel up to 30 kilometers in completely electric, in almost absolute silence.

The 7.4 kWh Li-ion battery pack is fully integrated into the frame McLaren Lightweight Architecture (MCLA) by Artura. Positioned in the lower part of the car, behind the driver, it is incorporated into the floor and protected on three sides by the main carbon fiber structure, while at the rear it is protected by the engine. This position optimizes the center of gravity and polar moment of inertia, improving the vehicle’s dynamic agility.

It should also be added that the battery management is designed in such a way as to never completely run out of charge. Even during extended periods of rest, a small reserve of energy is maintained to reverse or start the engine, always guaranteeing the availability of the car in case of need. An approach that ensures greater reliability and a seamless driving experience. Last but not least, the battery recharge from zero to 80% takes 2.5 hoursand, allowing you to quickly enjoy the electric performance of the car.

On the streets of California

Yeah, we said performance, but how’s it going? When I get on board I have the first surprise. Despite the vertical opening doors that are a little scary, no maneuvering is required to reach the seat contortionists. Sure, it’s not an SUV, and unlike pick-ups that you need to hang on to get on, here you have to get low, but not that much.

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The seats are comfortable, the display with digital functions of the dashboard is clear and immediate. There would be something to say about the second display, the infotainment one. Here too the mania for the fake tablet has struck, among other things with subdued plastic materials, and it’s a shame, because the Artura, in the words of Francesco Panella “deserved more, much more”.

Once settled in “my” Artura, I reflect on California beauty, where the mornings are fresh, the days are warm, the sky turns blue and the leaves never fall. While the notes of the Mamas and Papas play in my mind, I remember the promises sung together with Dik Dik “and one day I will come”. Now, with the Artura ready to push, I’m full of enthusiasm, eager to savor every moment of driving on these roads and in this supercar.

When I do the first few meters, pardon the first yards, i 680 CV they seem to magically disappear. What happen? L’Artura is docile docile, moving electric in the morning traffic. He doesn’t invite me to run, he walks me around. She’s not nervous, she is easy to drive like a city car.

As if he didn’t want to attract too much attention, passes silently next to the other cars, experiencing reactions of surprise. The beauty of this area is that everyone seems to love cars, and when they see me they give a thumbs up or applause. A start to the day with a smile.

I continue on my journey, launching the internal combustion engine which makes itself felt with its own sporty sound. The sensation is that of a change of skin, precisely, because it seems to me that I am driving another car. Maybe it’s the sound, maybe it’s the habit to traditional engines, but over the next few miles it feels like we have got to know each other each other. I change the engine modes, I change the suspension setup. all easy, all immediate. You don’t need to be an engineer, but you don’t need to be an expert pilot either.

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I drive on the roads between Healdsburg and the lake Barryessa in a postcard landscape, with hills, vineyards, cultivated fields, villas and large villas. The route includes curves and counter-curves, where I can finally try l’Artura, obviously scrupulously respecting the limits. It is here that I can appreciate what we call the driving pleasure. A “communicative” steering that reads the road, incredible handling and an engine with boundless power. Every time I find a stretch that isn’t straight it’s like a party. The hairpin bends are pure bliss.

I see the blue water of the lake on the horizon, in contrast with the surrounding almost arid landscape, despite the floods of a few months ago. I stop for a moment, but I can’t, because the call of the Arthur it is stronger. I get back behind the wheel and continue, lengthening my route, trying to cover as many miles as possible in the time I have available.

It is after a couple of hours of travel that I realize who the Artura is something extra than a “simple” supercar. It’s a car comfortable, as I had never happened to find in a supercar. And if they had told me to leave California immediately and head for New York, I would have been the best person happy in the world. Why Arthur It’s not a grouchy car or tiring, of those that you always have to be careful of, because it pushes you to “bite” the road at all times. But to killand how, when it is necessary.

can be theeveryday car, for those who can afford it, of course. It can be an excellent kilometer, provided there are at most two and not have too much luggage. But it can also be the fulfilling supercar you expect from the very first moment, from also try it on the track.

And as I arrive at my destination and therefore at the conclusion of the test drive, I find myself thinking that the right definition could be that of “gentlemen” supercar. The car with generous performance, but for those who don’t always have to appear, and for those who love that mysterious ingredient that makes it so Fascinating British cars.

In Italy the price of the Artura starts at 238,757 euros, all the information on colours, equipment and options can be found on the official McLaren website.


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