Home » Everyday YouTuber Bojjang “Including everything without embellishment in Vlog”[인터뷰] :: Sympathy Press Newsis News Agency ::

Everyday YouTuber Bojjang “Including everything without embellishment in Vlog”[인터뷰] :: Sympathy Press Newsis News Agency ::

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Everyday YouTuber Bojjang “Including everything without embellishment in Vlog”[인터뷰] :: Sympathy Press Newsis News Agency ::

‘Bojjang’, a YouTuber who shares beauty tips and daily life such as hair styling

“My nickname as a student was ‘Gosin (Godegi Shin)’…Content creation using special skills”

“The advantage of being a daily YouTuber is that you can remember like a diary”

Appearing in ‘Transit Love’ “I’m growing… I’m very grateful”

“Recognition is a special thing that can’t be experienced anywhere else”

On the 15th, Newsis met Bojjang, a daily YouTuber who is loved through beauty content such as hair and makeup and small daily vlogs. (Photo=provided by Bojjang) *Resale and DB prohibited

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The lives of others are uncharted territory. If the daily life of others is similar to mine, I sympathize and build intimacy, and I learn new things by copying the differences. This is why vlog content is steadily gaining popularity on video platforms.

Everyday YouTuber ‘Bojjang (real name Kim Bo-hyeon, 27)’ shares the little things of each day to form a consensus and suggests new tips through beauty content.

Bojjang, who says, “I am very satisfied with being pretty on camera,” teaches beauty tips such as confident hair styling and makeup methods through videos, while building intimacy with subscribers through unadorned daily vlogs.

Bojjang, a YouTuber who is loved for his daily vlogs and beauty content such as hair and makeup, talked about the life of a creator and his future goals in an interview with Newsis held at Leferi headquarters in Gangnam-gu, Seoul on the 15th.

Bojjang started his activities by opening his current YouTube channel in 2019, but he had experience as a YouTuber before that. He said, “When I went to Japan as an exchange student in 2017, I ran a channel called ‘Japanese Exchange Student Bojjang’ that recorded his first overseas life for memories.” The channel also gathered 1000 subscribers.

Afterwards, five of my friends tried to run a YouTube channel together, but only Bojjang remained and ran it alone, and the activity continued until now. She said, “The friends I was with at the time readily handed over the channel saying ‘You’re doing it’, and they are still cheering me on.”

The channel name ‘Bojjang’ was taken from a character appearing in the Japanese animation film ‘Spirited Away’. It is a nickname given to Bo-chan, who is usually interested in Japanese culture, by her older sister. It is also a nickname that my family used to call me even before YouTube started.

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In fact, Bojjang’s content, which was first introduced, was not a daily vlog. She said, “When she was in high school, she was nicknamed Gosin (Godegi Shin),” Bo-chan said, taking advantage of her specialty, she uploaded beauty and hair content-oriented videos. In fact, she was followed by a heated response. In the early days of opening a channel with her friends, ‘[보짱] The video of ‘Swipe bangs in 30 seconds without ironing’ recorded a whopping 1.19 million views.

Bojjang hinted, “I felt that you liked hair content a lot, and I uploaded a lot because I thought subscribers wouldn’t want more hair videos.” Even now, she is constantly showing new hair content.

▲ A must-see video posted last year if you have an air lab! goddess bangs | parietal volume | Same air wrap, different feel ▲ 5-minute hair straightener cut for medium and short hair | Hair contents such as Bongodegi and Pangodegi Damoyeo are also receiving high views of 1.5 million and 770,000, respectively.

After watching other people’s vlog videos and realizing that daily content is popular, I started to challenge myself. He said, “Vlog content has gained popularity and has been steadily progressing,” and “I think Vlog is the content that suits me best.”

When asked about the advantages of being a daily YouTuber, he replied, “It is that you do not need to prepare any content. The advantage is that it is fun to watch my videos later. The biggest advantage is that you can watch and remember the videos like a moving diary.” On the other hand, he explained that he had his own difficulties, saying, “The downside is that I have to film even on difficult and exhausting days. There will be subscribers who are affected by me, but I don’t want to show a bad image, so I hide it.”

On the 15th, Newsis met Bojjang, a daily YouTuber who is loved through beauty content such as hair and makeup and small daily vlogs. (Photo=provided by Bojjang) *Resale and DB prohibited

As many people like and search for it, daily vlog channels have become countless and diverse. Bojjang picked ‘no embellishment’ as his own distinctive feature.

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What I can be proud of is that it is really unadorned. When filming with acquaintances, I get asked, ‘Isn’t the food supposed to look pretty?’ However, they say, “It doesn’t matter,” or “You can just eat it.” Unlike ordinary emotional vlogs, it was filmed at Baekban House, to the point where friends asked why I was filming vlogs here.

Bojjang said, “I think that’s how you can really approach it.” “The difference is that it contains everything without embellishment. I like high tension as if I’m drunk without drinking, and I like comments that say it’s funny rather than comments that say it’s pretty. Vlog with flimsy charm. I think that is an advantage,” he said proudly.

It has the advantage of not requiring much content preparation, but it won’t be easy to reveal your daily life to a large number of people. When asked if there was any burden from revealing his life, Bojjang replied, “There are parts that have become sensitive.”

“Sometimes, there are comments that reveal personal information such as the home address after recognizing it. I have become sensitive to things like the delivery address that I have not been able to edit yet,” he said, revealing the difficulties caused by the exposure of personal information. He also conveyed his apologies and gratitude to the acquaintances who were with him, saying, “Since there are people around me who are taking pictures of my daily life, I notice them and feel embarrassed when I meet them.”

As he gained fame by appearing in the TVING variety show ‘Transfer Romance’, the burden of sudden interest was great. However, she expressed her gratitude, saying, “It’s something special that she can’t experience anywhere else.”

He said, “It’s great if you recognize me on the street. I have the advantage of being invited to a pop-up store or hosting various content as a YouTuber,” he said. . As a non-celebrity, there were burdens and regrets right after the broadcast, but now they say that they are much more grateful that they had the opportunity.

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Regarding the performers together, he expressed his importance, saying, “It feels like a comrade or comrade. I am always cheering for you. I hope everyone goes well together.”

During college, Bojjang took on numerous challenges, including majoring in computer engineering, school public relations ambassador, fitting model, and internship at an IT company. Same with YouTube. Bojjang, who started with beauty and gradually expanded her scope to daily V-log, dreams of another challenge in a new field.

Bojjang, who said, “I hoped to become a travel YouTuber even before the corona virus,” said, “I want to film travel videos in Japan more often now that overseas travel has been released. I am also greedy to get close to Japanese subscribers.” In fact, the proportion of Japanese subscribers has also increased significantly through videos of trips to Japan, such as Sapporo, Otaru, and Osaka. He said he wanted to shoot a video centered on his pet cat, fox.

Bojjang picked the ‘Legoland’ video as the most memorable content. “If I’m happy, the subscribers seem to like it too,” he explained.

‘Who says Legoland isn’t fun? The kid who had the most fun VLOG | The video titled ‘Enjoying Legoland 100%’ is fun to watch again. “I went with my older sister, and I enjoyed it very comfortably at the time. Watching it again reminds me of that feeling. I also like the editing. It’s a video that I love as much as I put a lot of effort into it,” she expressed her affection for the content.

The fans who always support him are the driving force of Bojjang. I still have a lot of shyness so I haven’t decided on a nickname for my subscribers, but I always feel grateful.

Bojjang said, “After the broadcast, my mentality has weakened, so slumps and burnouts come easily, but there are people who leave long messages of support through DMs and comments. I want to repay you with good videos in the future. I also want to work harder to do better for those who gain strength because of me. Even if I can’t express it, I always think of my subscribers, “he expressed his gratitude.

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