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With these home remedies and tips it works!

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With these home remedies and tips it works!

Has your favorite jewelery tarnished over time and lost its original shine? Rings, necklaces, earrings, etc. – are there any home remedies you can use to clean your stainless steel jewelry and make it shine again? How does an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner work?

Whether it’s a necklace, a ring or a bracelet – each of us has a favorite piece of jewelry that we wear absolutely every day. And if our darling has discolored or something has become stained, it can ruin our mood pretty quickly. But that doesn’t have to be the case and you don’t have to do without your beloved pieces of jewelry! While professional cleaning costs a lot of money, there are a few inexpensive and very effective home remedies that we use to clean our stainless steel jewelry and make it shine again!

Does stainless steel jewelry tarnish?

From earrings to watches to engagement rings, stainless steel jewelry has become increasingly popular, and with good reason. In contrast to silver and gold, stainless steel is much more robust, more durable and also cheaper. Stainless steel jewelery also does not leave out any allergic reactions and usually does not tarnish. Unfortunately, there are always exceptions and no piece of jewelry stays as fresh over the years and looks as beautiful as it did at the beginning. So, due to the wear and tear of daily use, stainless steel jewelry may tarnish over time.

How often should you clean stainless steel jewelry?

There is no single answer to the question of how often you should clean your stainless steel jewelry. In the first place it depends on how often you wear the piece of jewelry. If your jewelry has lost its luster and is beginning to look a bit dull, then it’s time to give it a thorough cleaning. In the case of heavy grease stains or excessive dirt, you should clean your jewelery as quickly as possible. It is also particularly important to note that you do not expose them to harsh chemicals and cleaning agents.

Cleaning stainless steel jewelry: With these home remedies you can get your jewelry clean

You should know how to clean stainless steel jewelry so that your rings, earrings and necklace retain their radiance. In order to protect your wallet, we have put together the best home remedies for you that will make your favorite pieces of jewelry shine again.

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With soap and water

Using soap and water is definitely one of the easiest and most effective ways to clean stainless steel jewelry.

Fill two bowls with water and add a few drops of dish soap to one bowl. Dip a soft cloth in the soap and water mixture and use it to gently clean the stainless steel jewelry. If the jewelry is heavily soiled, soak it for 10-15 minutes first. If necessary, you can scrub away stubborn dirt with a toothbrush with soft bristles. Then immerse the piece of jewelery in the second bowl of clear water and rinse well. Finally, polish with a dry, soft cloth and your stainless steel jewelery will look like new!

Clean stainless steel jewelry with toothpaste

With toothpaste we can get our sneaker soles white again. So it only makes sense that we use it to clean our stainless steel jewelry as well. To avoid scratches, always use pure white toothpaste without abrasives.

Dampen a soft cloth with warm water and put a small amount of toothpaste on it. Gently clean the piece of jewelery with the cloth and, if necessary, scrub lightly with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry with a clean towel.

baking soda and water

We have not only used baking powder for baking for a long time and it is a real all-rounder in the kitchen. So it’s no wonder that baking soda is one of the best home remedies for cleaning tarnished stainless steel jewelry.

Mix 2 parts baking soda to 1 part water in a bowl to form a paste. Dip a soft-bristled toothbrush into the mixture and use it to gently scrub the stainless steel jewelry. Rinse the piece of jewelery with lukewarm water and pat dry with a soft towel.

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Clean stainless steel with vinegar

As you can see, there are many home remedies that we can use to clean our stainless steel jewelry. Apple cider vinegar also makes our jewelery shine again and don’t worry about the smell – it will disappear on its own after a few hours.

Mix apple cider vinegar and water in a 1:1 ratio in a bowl and soak the stainless steel jewelry in it for about 10 minutes. Dip a soft cloth in the vinegar mixture and use it to clean the jewelry. Rinse under running water and polish with a dry cloth. Alternatively, you could put the vinegar mixture in a spray bottle and mist your jewelry with it.

With ultrasonic jewelry cleaner

Okay, while this isn’t a home remedy, ultrasonic jewelry cleaners are a great way to make tarnished stainless steel jewelry shine again. To remove dirt particles, the devices send ultrasonic waves through the water and can also get into all nooks and crannies that are difficult to reach with a towel or toothbrush. In addition, you can use an ultrasonic cleaner to clean several pieces of jewelry at the same time, and with just a single push of a button.

Tips to keep your stainless steel jewelry cleaner for longer

You already know how to clean stainless steel jewelry. However, prevention is better than cure and that’s why we’re sharing a few tips on how to properly care for and store your jewelry.

Do not wear stainless steel jewelry when cleaning with harsh chemicals or swimming in a pool. Protect your jewelry from direct contact with perfumes, hairspray and other products that contain alcohol. Alcohol and aggressive ingredients can attack the metal and make it appear cloudy. Always store your jewelry in a closed jewelry case or soft pouches to protect it from dust and scratches.

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