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Batut issued a warning of dangerous weather in Serbia Info

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Batut issued a warning of dangerous weather in Serbia  Info

Serbia is facing a heat wave, in which the temperature will reach the 40th degree, which is why the Institute for Public Health of Serbia “Dr. Milan Jovanović Batut” has published a biometeorological forecast.

Source: MONDO/U.Arsić

From the aspect of human health, according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, a heat wave is an occurrence of at least three consecutive days when the maximum daily air temperature is above the defined critical value. Based on the latest prognostic material, there are conditions for the occurrence of a heat wave from July 10 to 13 in the territory of the South Bačka district in the next ten days.

Very dangerous temperatures

The forecasted values ​​of the maximum daily air temperature will be in the category of dangerous phenomena on July 10 in the area of ​​the South Bačka district, and on July 11 in the territory of the South Bačka, North Bančka, Middle Banat, and West Bačka districts. The temperatures on July 10 and 11, mainly in the north of the country, will fall into the category of potentially dangerous phenomena.

Expected maximum daily air temperatures by district, as well as warning levels for expected thermal conditions for the period from July 7 to 11, 2023, are shown in the table. The table showing temperatures and warning levels has four colors – green, yellow, orange and red.

Green color – the weather is safe for health

The thermal comfort zone is safe for health. This period should be used to ensure technical conditions and communication channels – says “Batut”.

Yellow color – a potentially dangerous phenomenon

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Weak prospects for the occurrence of extreme phenomena, which could significantly disturb the basic physiological balance of the organism. In this zone of thermal comfort, it is necessary to take preventive measures, in case of purposeful exposure to external microclimate conditions, such as elevated air temperature, high percentage of relative humidity, reduced air flow speed and increased UV radiation index.

Source: Institut Batut/screenshot

There is a potential risk of sunstroke and heat exhaustion. It is necessary to maintain thermoregulation by ingesting a sufficient amount of liquid, both before and during exposure to elevated ambient temperature, without referring to the subjective feeling of thirst, while avoiding alcohol and too much coffee and sugar. You should eat smaller and more frequent meals, and avoid foods with a high protein content, and clothes should be made of natural fabrics with high air porosity, due to easier evaporation of sweat and the influence of accelerated air flow in the intimate zone – states “Batut”.

Orange color – dangerous weather conditions

Weather conditions accompanied by more pronounced climatic phenomena, which could pose a risk to health. The probability of various manifestations of heat stress is increased, especially in sensitive population groups – small children, pregnant women, old people, chronic patients. People with impaired integrity of all layers of skin tissue, i.e. disruption of the mechanism of evaporation of accumulated heat (burns), are at special risk.

Each individual, during that period, should maintain personal protection measures in order to maintain the physiological mechanism of thermoregulation:

– Clothing should be made of light, light-colored summer materials, the structure of which allows air permeability and enables more successful heat release;

Regular rehydration throughout the day, regardless of the level of physical activity or feeling of thirst;

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– If it is an elderly population or the unemployed, more difficult housework (laundry, carpets, curtains…) should be done in the colder half of the day (morning, evening);

– Unless absolutely necessary, one should not leave a well-conditioned indoor space for the duration of the elevated outdoor temperature. If this is unavoidable, ensure regular rehydration during the stay in the heat. On the following link, see everything about the proper use of air conditioners;

Source: MONDO/U.Arsić

– Special attention should be paid to the maintenance of personal hygiene, then to hygienic conditions during the washing of fruits and vegetables, as well as to the preparation of food itself, because in conditions where the body needs the perfect functioning of the thermoregulation system, any dehydration, caused as a result of alimentary intoxication accompanied by diarrhea, would further complicate the health condition of a person who has suffered any of the mentioned clinical manifestations of heat stress.

Red color – very dangerous weather conditions

Serious deviation of microclimate and ambient conditions from those in the thermal comfort zone, which represents an increased probability of the occurrence of more severe manifestations of heat stress, such as heat rash, heat edema, heat syncope, heat cramps, exhaustion and heat stroke.

Prevention measures in this case are:

– Frequent changing of clean and dry clothes should be applied, both as a preventive measure and in the case of already diagnosed heat rash;

– Reducing the intensity of physical activity or shortening the time of exposure to the effect of elevated ambient temperature;

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Regular fluid intake, 1 glass of water every 20 minutes, in a steady rhythm, regardless of the possible absence of thirst;

– The occurrence of thermal edema of the upper and lower extremities is prevented by regular acclimatization to the conditions of elevated external air temperature (change of climatic zones);

Source: MONDO/U.Arsić

– Recovery occurs after staying in a colder environment for 1-2 days;

– For any appearance of confusion, fainting, extremely warm and dry skin, seek emergency medical help.

Becej today in the orange zone

According to the table, today Bečej is in the orange zone, which means that the weather conditions are dangerous for health. Already tomorrow, the orange alarm, i.e. dangerous weather, will be in several places – besides Bečej and Palić, in Kikinda, Zrenjanin, Sombor and Novi Sad.


01:13 Storm in Užice Source: Beauty of Western Serbia

Source: Beauties of Western Serbia


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