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UCC, the only one in the world with the Unesco chair in social and solidarity economy

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UCC, the only one in the world with the Unesco chair in social and solidarity economy

In the accountability of the Cooperative University of Colombia, the important academic and social work carried out by the institution was highlighted.

With the support and participation of the General Vice Chancellor, Dr. Maria Consuelo Moreno Orrego and Mrs. Adriana Santarelli Franco, director of the Cooperative University of Colombia (UCC), Santa Marta Campus, the Social Balance 2022 event was held, a space in which the institution renders accounts to the Samarian and Magdalen community, voluntarily and for the tenth consecutive time.

The event was held in the Campus Library, a place attended by strategic allies, journalists, managers, graduates, deans and researchers, who listened carefully to the results of the University of the previous year in terms of education, social projection, internationalization, research, environmental management, among others.

Mrs. María Consuelo Moreno Orrego, highlighted among many other achievements, the 65 years of history of the institution, highlighting the work that has been carried out in high-quality accreditation, a process in which the Santa Marta campus is also involved.

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During this Accountability it was evidenced that the Cooperative University of Colombia is the first in the world to have Unesco Chair in Social and Solidarity Economy that brings together important international universities, the National University of Quilmes, Mondragón University, Complutense University of Madrid, International Labor Organization, Unicossol, among other; as well as the Unesco Chair in prevention of violence against women, agreement signed with the Mayor’s Office of Santa Marta.

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At the Santa Marta Campus there were many achievements to highlight, among which is the implementation of the first course developed one hundred percent in English in the Faculty of Nursing; likewise, obtaining first place in the Rymel Serrano Awards for a Student of the Epidemiology Department.

The UCC carries out accountability for the tenth time, a space that allows sharing with society where they come from and where they are going.

The director of the Campus highlighted the important work of the Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, Mrs. Doriam Camacho, who was named as one of the most influential bold nurses in Latin America. For his part, Dr. Gabriel Parra, leader of the Health Research Center for the Tropics of the UCC he was appointed strategic and technical adviser for neglected tropical diseases.

Another recognition was for Doctor José Usme, who received the 2022 National Academy of Medicine Award for Scientific Research for his project “Evolution of SARS-CoV-2 genetic variants and their association with the immune response acquired during the pandemic in Colombia.”

For his part, The Vice Chancellor indicated that at the national level the UCC has 114 undergraduate, 127 postgraduate and 109 education programs for work and human development, which means that 36,311 people are currently studying at the institution. For her part, the director Adriana Santarelli indicated that for the Santa Marta Campus the academic offer corresponds to 10 undergraduate, 6 postgraduate, 4 education programs for work and human development.

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“The Santa Marta Campus is very committed to the region, which is why we continue working on expanding our academic offer. Currently, the documents have been filed with the Ministry of Education for the opening of two new programs, which are the result of the professional requirements of the region, ”he assured.

Regarding projects for students, the UCC has “In harmony with you”, a national strategy whose main route is the prevention of suicidal behavior, the consumption of psychoactive substances, harassment and gender violence and mental health, of which they have More than 10,000 students participated, of which 300 are young people from the Santa Marta Campus.

In this way, the Cooperative University of Colombia carries out for the tenth time the accountabilitya space that allows sharing with society where they come from and where they are going.

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