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What medicines to take on holiday and how to store them (even at home)? – breaking latest news

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What medicines to take on holiday and how to store them (even at home)? – breaking latest news

by Maria Giovanna Faiella

In the case there are medicines for one’s own pathologies and a kit for any eventuality (intestinal disorders, sore throat or back, allergies). How to transport them, in the torrid heat, to prevent them from losing effectiveness. Better sea or mountain? Vaccinations before leaving for abroad

What medications to take with you when you go on vacation? How to store and transport them safely even in scorching temperatures? If you suffer from chronic diseases (cardiovascular, respiratory, diabetes, hypertension and others), may it be necessary – and in which cases – to remodulate the therapies taken? Here are some tips for healthy travel, with help from the experts.

Medicines for their own pathologies

First of all, those who habitually take medicines for chronic diseases must continue to do so, as underlined once again by Dr. Claudio Cricelli, president of the Italian Society of General Medicine and Primary Care (Simmg): The therapies prescribed by the doctor must not be suspended or independently modified; if, for example, a person who takes medicines for high blood pressure in the summer has a significant drop in blood pressure, he should talk to his doctor, who will evaluate the possible adjustment of the antihypertensive therapy. then, especially if you go abroad, it is useful to carry a supply of necessary medicines with you for the duration of your stay away from home and also a reminder of the diseases you are suffering from and the medicines you are taking.

Is the sea or the mountains better for health?

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Is it better to go to the sea or to the mountains? You can choose the type of holiday you like, explains Cricelli. However, those suffering from heart or respiratory diseases must remember that there is less oxygen in the high mountains, therefore it is advisable not to go beyond 1,200 meters or, in any case, you should ask your doctor who, based on the conditions of the assisted, tell what he can do and what precautions to take.

Kit to cure small ailments

Even on holiday ailments or discomforts can occur such as, for example, intestinal disorders, insect bites, small wounds, a sudden sore throat or back due to sudden changes in temperature between rooms with air conditioning and external heat. Just in case, it is useful to carry some over-the-counter or doctor-prescribed medicines with you, especially if you are going to places where there is no nearby pharmacy or doctor who can prescribe medicines.
In these cases, advises Cricelli, the medicine case should not lack antipyretic (for fever), analgesic, antidiarrheal drugs if you go to countries where there is a high risk of diarrhea, preparations for heartburn, products to counteract motion sickness if you suffer from plane or sea or car sickness, disinfectant, plasters, gauze, insect repellents and products to be applied in case of stings, antihistamines in case of allergic reactions. Those suffering from severe allergies, at risk of anaphylactic shock, must not forget adrenaline, underlines Cricelli.

Storage and transport of medicines

How to store and transport medicines in the heat? In general, medicines should be kept in cool, dry places, at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees. Some medicines, on the other hand, need to be placed in the refrigerator. In any case, recalls Marco Pistis, full professor of Pharmacology at the University of Cagliari and member of the Italian Society of Pharmacology: The instructions given in the package leaflet must be followed. In the event of long journeys and very high temperatures, it is a good rule to carry medicines in a thermal container; in any case they should never be left on the dashboard or in the drawer of the car, nor should they be taken to the beach.
it is preferable, then, to carry solid formulations (tablets rather than syrups) on the road that are less susceptible to high temperatures.
At home, how to store medicines in extreme heat? If the temperatures are really excessive, they can be placed in the refrigerator to prevent them from degrading and losing their effectiveness, putting your health at risk, advises Professor Pistis.

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Drugs and sun exposure

Some drugs, if exposed to UV rays, cause skin reactions. To verify this, you can read the leaflet (which must always be worn, even on holiday) or ask your doctor.

Infectious diseases: how to prevent them if you go to some countries

How to reduce the risk of infections while on holiday abroad? Useful advice is given by the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health (Siti) (information can be found on the site). First of all, before leaving, it is advisable to consult your Local Health Authority which will indicate the recommended (or mandatory) vaccinations depending on the chosen destination. For example, the yellow fever vaccine, which is mandatory to access various countries in Africa and South America where the disease is endemic, must be done at least ten days before leaving. it is also essential to adopt preventive measures such as: hand hygiene throughout the day; drink only bottled and sealed water (and drinks) to be used also for brushing your teeth; if the water is not drinkable, it should be consumed only after having boiled it; eat well-cooked food; before consuming raw fruit and vegetables, they should be washed thoroughly with safe water.

By plane, fly safely

Does air travel pose health risks? It should be remembered that less oxygen is available at high altitudes. For this reason, Dr. Cricelli clarifies, there may be contraindications to flying for those suffering from heart or respiratory disease: before leaving, ask your doctor if your health conditions allow you to travel and how to do it safely.
Anyone who crosses multiple time zones could experience the effects of jet lag for a few days, starting with sleep disturbances. To alleviate them, you can resort to some tricks or treatments that help the body get used to the new sleep-wake rhythm.

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July 19, 2023 (change July 19, 2023 | 08:57)

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