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A vice imagined by their minds only – Yemenat news site

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A vice imagined by their minds only – Yemenat news site


Abdul Wahab Qatran


The age of Sana’a University is nearly half a century, and its education is mixed. We studied there alongside our fellow students. We did not see any indecent act throughout our four years of study, because Yemeni society is by nature conservative, and girls are chaste and modest. When we were in the fourth level, the brothers tried to separate students And new students in the first year in the Faculty of Sharia and Law, and they allocated halls for female students and halls for male students, so their project was opposed by the college professors, the Nasserites and the leftists. There is no issue that has anything but the imposition of guardianship over morals.


What is uglier than the decision to separate the sexes at the Faculty of Information, Sana’a University, is the ridiculous and shameless justification for the decision, which is the fight against decadence, immorality and vice that is spread in the field of media in particular.

Whoever listens to you will think that the lecture halls of the College of Mass Communication have become similar to the University of Texas, to which female students come wearing short, light, seductive and charming clothes, as if they were in their bedrooms. A little shame, people. Our girls are modest, committed and chaste. They have been brought up in their ancient Yemeni homes on the values ​​of decency, chastity, modesty and good manners. We are an ancient civilized people, our women are queens from before the dawn of history, we are not a palace to impose your will on us, you pretenders of virtue.

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May God have mercy on our professor, Dr. Muhammad al-Kuri. When we were studying twenty years ago at the College of Sharia and Law, the dean of the college belonging to the Islah party and the rest of the professors affiliated with the Islah party tried to impose separation between male and female students in the college, and they actually began to apply it to the first year. How do you forbid students to mix with their female colleagues and allow it to you as teachers, and even to be alone with them in the lecture hall? This is called solitary confinement. Al-Kuri strongly confronted them and the rest of the college professors from the nationalist and leftist movement, but they failed and canceled the decision.
Twenty years later, the Believers Brotherhood came to re-implement what their brothers had failed to do before, they are the “Muslim Brotherhood”.


How did you prevent the students from mixing with their female colleagues, and allowed the male professor to mix with the female students? This is a clear violation of your standards and a corruption of your standards..!

It is better for you to prevent mixing with everyone so that the standard applies, and provide female university professors who teach female students only, otherwise your analogy will be corrupted, and it is not permissible for a professor to be alone with his female students and vice versa, O believers.


Suppose that you were able to separate the sexes in university faculties in order to limit the imaginary vice of your backward minds, so how do you suppose you would be able to separate the sexes and eliminate mixing after graduation, as female judges and lawyers mingle with their fellow judges and lawyers in the courts and on behalf of the litigants, male and female litigants, and female doctors mingle with their fellow doctors in hospitals, laboratories and clinics ..!! Media women will work alongside their fellow media professionals and journalists in studios, newspapers, and the headquarters of channels and radio stations..!!!

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And all people of specializations will meet both sexes in the field of field work, so will you eradicate your vice by allocating courts for women and courts for men, and hospitals for men and hospitals for women..!! And channels, radios and newspapers for women and others for men..! Buses and public transportation for women and others for men..!! And streets for women only, and other streets for men, until you eliminate the vice that exists in your imagination, O guards of virtue..!!

The solution is for you to kill them while they are alive, as your ancestors used to do in the pre-Islamic era.


It is as if the Yemeni people, before their control and monopoly of power and wealth, were perverted, decadent, and immersed in debauchery and decadence. They came to guide the people and correct their morals. They started by changing bus seats from parallel to successive, and proceeded with the steps of gender segregation in the lecture halls of the College of Information, and they will continue with their ISIS steps, until they reach separation. Between the sexes in all walks of life, bankrupt mentalities that do not have a project, program, or idea that benefits people, solves the economic problem, and alleviates misery, poverty, and disease. From public education by abolishing free education, and replacing it with parallel education and private expenses, religious, sectarian, priestly education, and restrictions on people’s means of living, their livelihood, and their private and public lives,


And what about mixing between men and women during the performance of the Hajj, while their faces are uncovered? If you were ruling Makkah, would you prevent mixing, and decide that the Hajj be public for women and public for men..?!

Narrow minds delusional that universities are a house of prostitution. You only care about the separation of the sexes.

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