Home » The Foods and Drinks to Avoid Before Bed for a Good Night’s Sleep

The Foods and Drinks to Avoid Before Bed for a Good Night’s Sleep

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The Foods and Drinks to Avoid Before Bed for a Good Night’s Sleep

Resting well is a priority to be efficient during the day, yet some foods prevent us from doing it better. Let’s see together which foods it is better to avoid eating before going to sleep.

Eat before sleep

Dine on the right foods it is a priority to rest at its best. This is true not only for the success of sleep in a peaceful and serene manner, but also for the onset of sleep, i.e. falling asleep. There are in fact some foods that weigh us down and make us difficult digestion, they probably won’t stop us from falling asleep right away, but they will disturb us during the night. Those who suffer from reflux know this well: stomach acid, cough, nausea, etc., are all symptoms that will make rest difficult.

Therefore we have always been advised to have a light dinner, but there are also apparently light foods that can create problems for our digestion. What foods are we talking about? Let’s see together a list of foods and drinks to avoid before bedtime it will be

However, let us remember that it is good practice don’t dine too late and close to going to bed. The ideal would be to take a nice walk before going to bed and after dinner. But let’s go into detail and see the foods to avoid.

Drinks to avoid before bed

Let’s start from drinks, it will probably seem absurd to you, but there are wrong habits that we have and that compromise our sleep. First of all and the intake of exciting drinks such as coffee or tea. It is probably obvious for many not to drink coffee in the late afternoon or in the evening before going to sleep, in fact this can compromise both falling asleep and the success of sleep itself.

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What about tea? Many drink herbal teas based on green tea, black tea or even simple lemon tea especially in winter, as a hot evening drink, before falling asleep. But drinking a cup of tea is equivalent to drinking coffee, theine as well as caffeine are stimulants that will compromise our sleep.

But let’s move on and go to another type of drink that we should avoid in the evening: the spirits. Now you are probably thinking: “What? The spirits? If I drink them I fall asleep immediately!” True drinking alcohol will probably make you fall asleep sooner but what about sleep through the night? Once the effect of alcohol wears off, we’ll probably wake up sweating, with a racing heart and even a slight headache.

Our sleep will therefore be compromised and we will no longer be able to sleep. Obviously these are the consequences of drinking abundantly, a simple glass of wine at dinner will certainly not create all these problems for us. But what about foods? Which ones are better to avoid at dinner?

Foods to avoid eating before bed

We’ve seen the drinks to avoid, but what about the foods? Have you ever heard the saying: “have a breakfast like a king, a lunch like a prince and a dinner like a pauper“. Well that’s exactly what we should do, avoid eating foods that are too heavy before going to sleep.

We will then automatically discard fried foods and cold cuts, rich in fat and salt and therefore, heavy and difficult to digest, but what about meat? A slice of meat with salad is considered a light meal, but this is not always true, the type of meat you decide to eat can make the difference.

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The Red meat it has a quantity of fats and proteins, greater for example than white meat. So our body will have a harder time getting rid of it. Of course, a walk after dinner will be enough to help digestion and sleep peacefully.

But what about the sweets? We are in the summer and often at dinner we decide to eat a nice ice cream, perhaps chocolate ice cream, to satisfy our sweet tooth. The concept does not change, sweets are generally rich in added fat and sugar, especially if prepackaged, so the body will require more effort to dispose of them. Work that once in bed will be difficult for the body to carry out easily.

Things get complicated if we decide to eat a dessert at chocolate, or simple chocolate, even worse if dark. Why? 45/50% dark chocolate contains as much as 43 mg of caffeine (each 100g), obviously the higher the cocoa concentration, the higher the amount of caffeine. So let’s pay close attention to this food, let’s avoid it in the evening.


We have therefore seen that it is better to avoid eating or drinking foods containing caffeine o brother, as they will make it difficult for us to fall asleep and have a peaceful night. But it’s also important to keep light avoiding foods that are too fatty and loaded with salt or sugar that the body will hardly dispose of. We must also be careful of spices too spicy foods in fact raise the body temperature, we will therefore find ourselves in a bath of sweat.

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We prefer light foods such as, for example fruits and vegetables or white meat or fish. These foods are easier to digest and after an hour after dinner our body will have digested them completely and we will be able to sleep peacefully.

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