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“Devil’s Woman” author warns of Meghan Markle’s dark power

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“Devil’s Woman” author warns of Meghan Markle’s dark power

How much power do narcissists have?

Narcissists wield overwhelming power over others, like skilled puppeteers pulling the strings in the background. Her manipulative skills and her charismatic demeanor captivate people.

Imagine meeting a charming colleague who is always the center of attention and who is admired from all sides. They are impressed by his charisma, but behind the scenes he uses this admiration to control others and pursue his own interests.

Narcissists are masters of the art of emotional manipulation. They use flattery, lies, and guilt to influence others and achieve their goals.

However, this apparent power of narcissists is deceptive. Behind their confident demeanor, they hide a fragile sense of self and a lack of empathy for others. When others begin to see through their games and break free of their control, their perceived power crumbles.

Narcissists are in no way inferior to their male counterparts. On the contrary: they are usually much more sophisticated and with their famous tear gland they get their “victims” soft.

How does power differ between male and female narcissists?

The power of male and female narcissists rests on the same basic principle. Manipulative tactics and strategies are used to control and influence others. Both use charm, flattery, and emotional manipulation to gain admiration and attention. They strive for dominance and approval to bolster their fragile sense of self.

However, narcissists tend to choose more subtle and indirect ways to achieve their goals. They use their emotional intelligence to read people and exploit their weaknesses. Narcissists are adept at abusing social norms and gender roles to manipulate others.

On the other hand, male narcissists tend to be more outspoken and aggressive in their use of power. They seek out direct confrontations and even use verbal or emotional violence to maintain their control. Narcissistic men like to present themselves as superior and dominant, while female narcissists are more likely to appear vulnerable in order to garner sympathy and support.

It is important to view these differences as tendencies rather than rigid rules, as narcissist and narcissist behavior can vary. The core traits of narcissistic personalities, such as self-centeredness, a lack of empathy, and a drive for admiration, are present in both genders.

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What are the signs of narcissism in Meghan Markle?

Narcissism is a complex personality disorder that has multifaceted behaviors. Individual characteristics are not sufficient to make a diagnosis.

Public figures like Meghan Markle are under intense and critical scrutiny. The picture the media paints often doesn’t reflect the whole story. Whether she is a narcissist, I dare not say. But she certainly has narcissistic traits like everyone else. In their case, these should be strongly developed according to the following observations:

Meghan Markle is at odds with both her family of origin (apart from her mother) and with her in-laws. At the same time, she has isolated her husband, Prince Harry, from all his friends and family by turning them all against each other. Even his deep bond with his own grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, was so strained that he couldn’t even get to her deathbed in time to say goodbye.

She creates her own truth and when caught lying, she squirms out, claiming she didn’t say things or meant things differently.

She feels intelligent, grandiose and superior to all others. She believes she would be a better queen than Princess Kate, that she is one of the best actresses, that her podcast and Netflix contributions are Golden Globe worthy, if not Oscar worthy.

She assumes that she has the royal house firmly under control and can demand from them what she wants.

What is the truth? Could she harm the royal family as much as she thinks? What else can she do? Hasn’t she already played all her trump cards? What else does she have in her hand?

The English crown has mastered very different crises over the centuries. What would the Duchess of Sussex do if King Charles gave her nothing and stripped her of her titles? It would be interesting to watch this.

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What should we expect from Meghan Markle?

If Meghan Markle is a narcissist, all she needs is Prince Harry to achieve her own goals of power and influence. When he no longer serves her, she will replace him. As is well known, she wants to gain political influence. There are other lords of creation who are more purposeful.

However, it will not leave the field without a word. She wants to get the best out of her situation. She believes she has a firm grip on the English royal family and can demand whatever she wants from them. We can expect her to spill the remaining royal secrets. On the other hand, the circumstances surrounding the birth of their two children, Archie and Lilibeth, are mysterious. Maybe she’d rather keep her feet still?

Can Meghan Markle damage the royal family as much as she thinks? What else can she do? Hasn’t she already played all her trump cards? What else does she have in her hand?

The English crown has mastered very different crises over the centuries. What would the Duchess of Sussex do if King Charles gave her nothing and stripped her of her titles? It would be interesting to watch this.

What separates Meghan Markle’s power from Putin’s power?

In a world still dominated by male dominance, men like Putin and Kim Jong-Un lay claim to power. Her narcissistic traits make her an unsettling threat. Their unpredictable actions keep the world in suspense and make us fear for the future.

But caution is also advised with Meghan Markle. Although she does not currently hold the same power as these political heavyweights, one should not underestimate her ambitions and possible future developments. If she ever ended up in a top position, she would be in no way inferior to her male colleagues.

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The narcissistic traits of some leaders can pose a dangerous challenge to the world. The future remains uncertain, and in the world of power, things can change faster than you think possible.

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The original of this post “”Teufelsfrau”” author warns of Meghan Markle’s dark power” comes from Bunte.de.

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