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Peru recovers the path | The New Century

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Peru recovers the path |  The New Century

*Institutional management of Boluarte advances

*Exercise of authority and political consensus

Despite the continuous attacks by the combined forces of the extreme left and the agents of chaos, together with the well-known protests of the indigenous people, manipulated from Bolivia by Evo Morales and international subversion, the president of Peru, Dina Boluarte, has managed to overcome strikes and mobilizations that, on other occasions, overthrew various governments.

It is noteworthy that, unlike other leaders in our region, the Inca head of state prefers to handle politics with a cool head, instead of going to the rostrum or balcony, as Allan García and other politicians in her country used to.

From Boluarte, several notable efforts and achievements stand out in these few months in office, especially in terms of the management of the Armed Forces and its role of respecting the institutional framework and defense in all instances of the rule of the Constitution. At this time, recognition of the professionalism of the military and police institutions is general, given that they were guarantors of the democratic scaffolding when the questioned leftist president Pedro Castillo tried to set the country on fire, illegally close Congress or even flee and seek refuge in the embassy. from Mexico in Lima. A handful of uniformed officers, complying with court orders, arrested him and handed him over to the authorities without mishap to answer for his continuous and shameless negotiations.

That same procedure, strictly legalistic, has given Boluarte good results in the face of the powerful Peruvian judicial environment that has led several rulers to prison for corruption, excess of functions and violation of human rights. The institutional stability that the president has achieved in such a short time and in such complex situations is largely due to the fact that she exercises power decisively, respects the independence of powers, abides by constitutional and legal regulations, as well as applies a strong hand against the corrupt.

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Boluarte’s recent trip to the summit of the Amazon in Brazil ‒his first international tour‒ proves that stability is consecrating in Peru. In fact, in the absence of a titular vice president, he required a special law to allow him to exercise power from abroad. It is to be recognized that Congress, the cradle in the past of great debates to destabilize governments, and where the main political parties are represented, has come to recognize the need to maintain order and constitutional legality. Although the normal political debate persists, the destabilizing mood is in the minority. This, together with an efficient model of government, especially in the economic sphere, are determining that official finances gradually recover, as well as investor and business security.

Despite the fact that the Boluarte government is gaining ground in internal support and has international respect and recognition, the continuous attacks by the presidents of Mexico and Colombia continue to support Castillo, against all logic and judicial evidence. In Rio de Janeiro, a small party tried to denounce the alleged illegitimacy of the Inca president, but, in the end, her institutional investiture prevailed, even more so given the recognized seriousness of Brazilian diplomacy.

The private sector recognizes her as a promoter of business creativity and healthy competition in the industry, in pursuit of improving domestic production and competing abroad. The Executive restored legal security to local and foreign investment, which translates into a constant improvement in macro and microeconomic indicators.

Among Boluarte’s greatest advances is the gradual recovery of citizen security, especially after the dark forces that challenged state primacy were re-emerging during Castillo’s troubled administration. The Executive has given guarantees to the opposition and to the marches of dissatisfied sectors, calling for the prudence of the Public Force, but being emphatic that it will not allow the advance of radical and violent sectors that intend to expel anyone who is the tenant of the Palace Pizarro and demolish the democratic system. The president even requested special powers to regulate the entry of foreigners and expel those who only commit crimes and attacks the local population and its institutions.

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Finally, under the same line of action tied to the Constitution and the law, Boluarte intends to mobilize public opinion around the social reconciliation of Peruvians and their political will to advance in the strengthening of the economy, the efficiency of investment social, the fight against poverty and exclusion, as well as an improvement in the quality of life.

Little by little, then, Peru recovers its institutionality, resumes the path of progress, picks up socioeconomic rhythm and aspires to return in a short time to outposts in terms of regional development.

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