Home » Neuhofen an der Krems: radiant heaters caused fire

Neuhofen an der Krems: radiant heaters caused fire

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Neuhofen an der Krems: radiant heaters caused fire

At 10:25 a.m., the Neuhofen and Weissenberg fire brigades were alerted: A fire had broken out in a house that is currently being renovated. Observant residents noticed the smoke and called the fire department. When emergency services arrived, a large part of the hallway was already on fire.


Firefighters gained access to the building through the conservatory’s glass windows and extinguished the fire within minutes. The building rubble in the house, some of which was still on fire, was taken outside to be extinguished.

According to initial information, the fire may have started from a radiant heater whose cable caught fire. Nobody got hurt. The operation ended shortly before 12 noon and the firefighters were able to return.


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