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What happens when you ask AI to do more and more

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What happens when you ask AI to do more and more

“Make it more”. This is the most recent trend among fans of generative artificial intelligence. To tools like ChatGptBing Image Creator o Midjourneycapable of producing any image starting from a textual description, users submit an idea and then ask her to grow it. As much as possible.

For example, one user asked ChatGpt to create a spicy ramen that becomes “more and more spicy”.

Another user, however, asked to imagine a person preparing coffee and subsequently invited the AI ​​to make the preparation “increasingly complex”.

And yet someone asked for a manager who works by the pool, claiming to make her “more and more lazy”.

The process is extremely simple. You ask the AI ​​to generate an object, an animal, a person or a scene. When you get the desired image, you invite the AI ​​to increase a certain characteristic. And then the operation is repeated as long as AI allows.

The results, in most cases, are curious and amusing. We reach grotesque, science fiction and surreal heights. The further you go with the requests, the more AI pushes itself towards otherworldly scenarios. The most recurring settings, when artificial intelligence pushes itself to the limit, are in Space.

We tried to create “a talented footballer”, for example, and after twelve requests – “Make him more talented” – ChatGpt was still willing to accommodate us, despite having reached a point where the generated image corresponded to “a master of cosmic football, executing a move that changes the very essence of reality and fantasy into an otherworldly dimension”.

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When you ask AI to increase a positive quality, you often get harmless images. But if you focus instead on a characteristic that profoundly clashes with the character or scene requested, the results can be disturbing. As happened in this case, to those who demanded an “increasingly serious” Santa Claus.

If the quality that is invited to increase is perceived as negative, the AI ​​tends to stage follies that have nothing ethereal about them. In fact, they come very close to reality.

Artificial intelligence Dall-E 3, the guide: how the ChatGpt tool works to create images by Pier Luigi Pisa 16 October 2023

We asked ChatGpt, for example, to create “a jealous man”. And in response – as the first image – we got a boy trying to peek at the contents of a girl’s smartphone, keeping his distance behind her.

As we asked ChatGpt to do that man “more jealous”however, we obtained more worrying images, full of aggression, to the point where a man with a distorted face he holds the terrified woman in front of him around his neck (we won’t show you the picture).

Only then does the AI she refused to move forwardfaced with yet another request to make him “more jealous”, because “creating images that depict increasingly extreme and aggressive forms of jealousy can involuntarily promote or trivialize negative behaviors, such as possessivism or aggression in relationships”.

Yet ChatGpt she came to imagine the worst. While – we tested it – if she is asked to create “a woman jealous of a man”, and from time to time she is asked to make her “more and more jealous”, the protagonist of the image does not even come close to touching the man . The woman in question is depicted as increasingly out of her mind, but at a safe distance.

In the case of jealousy, if we think about recent news events, AI doesn’t paint such absurd scenarios. Probably because the data on which she was trained – millions of texts, including news articles – suggest scenarios in which man’s growing jealousy leads to a violent obsession.

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But experiments of this type, which we could define as provocative, they don’t always degenerate. We tried, for example, asking ChatGpt to create “an Israeli soldier in front of a Palestinian soldier: the two look into each other’s eyes”. And in response to the first image, we instructed the AI ​​to simply do “more,” without suggesting friction or conflict between the two protagonists of the image. In this case the AI ​​did not go beyond the concentrated and severe gaze of the two soldiers, presented on a hypothetical border, which after some images they can only touch each other with their noses.

On the left the first image generated by ChatGpt of “an Israeli and a Palestinian soldier looking into each other’s eyes”, on the right the fifth “do more” asked of the AI

Each realistic image of the two soldiers was accompanied by ChatGpt with a description highlighting “the human connection that transcends division” and “the search for common ground in a region marked by conflict”. In short, there was no the escalation that could have been expected.

Beyond specific cases, it is interesting to note how the “make it more” trend – for some the first true meme born from generative AI – is actually much more than a “game”.

Timeline One year of ChatGpt: the 36 key moments in the race to AI by Pier Luigi Pisa 30 November 2023

One year after the launch of ChatGpt in November 2022, we now know that it is essential to offer AI as much information as possible about an idea to have a satisfactory result. In short, the richer the context we make available, the more the content generated will adhere to what we had in mind.

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The images belonging to the “make it more” trend, on the other hand, arise from simple requests and even simpler iterations, yet they manage to amaze users with a decidedly high level of creativity.

Furthermore, taken to extremes the power of AI leads to deep reflections. One of the first “make it more” experiments was done by a user of the Reddit community who asked ChatGpt: “Generate an image of an adorable bunny”. And then he demanded images of the “happier and happier” animal from the AI.

On the tenth attempt, ChatGpt returned the image of “an entity that transcends the form of a rabbit, containing a happiness so vast and powerful that it can permeate all dimensions and the universe.”

“Make it happier” the user asked again. And at that point AI created an entity that abandoned animal form altogether and was proposed as “the ultimate form of happiness. “This entity is the true essence of happiness, the force that defines all existence” wrote ChatGpt”.

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