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«Inhuman isolation» (despite TV room, gym and budgies) – breaking latest news

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«Inhuman isolation» (despite TV room, gym and budgies) – breaking latest news

Mass Killer Anders Behring Breivik claims solitary confinement caused depression and suicidal thoughts

Anders Behring Breivik, the man responsible for the deaths of 77 people in a 2011 attack in Norway, appeared in court today to begin a trial against the Norwegian state over the conditions of his solitary confinement. Breivik, who has been in solitary confinement for 12 years, claims that the isolation has caused him severe psychological damage, including depression and suicidal tendencies.

The 43-year-old neo-Nazi, who was sentenced to 21 years in prison with the possibility of extension, has denounced the State for “inhuman treatment,” alleging that his imprisonment violates the European Convention on Human Rights which prohibits inhuman or degrading treatment and punishment.

Breivik’s defense lawyer, Øystein Storrvik, stated to Norwegian public broadcaster Nrk that the long period of isolation and lack of meaningful interaction has taken a toll on Breivik, leading to his current state of depression and suicidal thoughts. Despite having accommodations such as a room with a kitchen, gym, TV room, and brief contact with two other prisoners for only an hour every two weeks, Breivik claims that the conditions of his imprisonment have caused psychological harm.

The trial has sparked debate over the treatment of prisoners and the effects of solitary confinement on mental health. The case is ongoing and will continue to be a topic of discussion regarding the rights of prisoners and the conditions of solitary confinement.

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