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Combining privacy and security, ESET Italia explains how

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Combining privacy and security, ESET Italia explains how

How do you combine privacy and security. Fabio Buccigrossi, Country Manager of ESET Italiaremember to rely on security measures that share the privacy of all users.

Does using security software that controls what happens on our devices mean giving up our privacy? Security software usually ensures an adequate level of protection of the data collected within the devices in use, through:

scanning all or part of the programs and files that are downloaded to your device. The goal is to determine whether they are harmless or whether they represent a threat; the analysis of programs and files already present on the device, looking for any suspicious activity.

Invade user privacy

By performing these operations even at the same time, the security software will interface with the vendor’s cloud environment to perform a more in-depth analysis. Doing so may seem like an invasion of your privacy. Imagine having a bodyguard who stands beside you in every action you take and in every conversation you have. This all sounds like aintrusion less than desirable. But that’s how some might perceive security software. In reality this is not really the case. Imagine an army of bodyguards around you, making sure nothing harmful touches you. They have experience and compare everything that happens with situations they already know.

ESET Italy: combining privacy and security

Now, these body guards also protect other people, so they have to take into account what they have already experienced. And here is the difference. Not they share this data with anyone except the security company they work for, i.e. the reference vendor. The only data collected and shared with the company is intended to increase protection and improve security solutions for all users.

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Objective: strengthen security

At the same time, the security vendor does not keep track of the personal data present on the analyzed devices. Its main objective is to collect information about the different types of threats it detects, so it can better learn and protect users as a whole. He is not interested in personal files. The one and only purpose of any data collection is to strengthen security. And this is what ESET is doing too.

ESET Italia: the importance of consent

We live in a time when people – rightly so – are increasingly concerned about those who have access their personal information and how it is used. The same goes for security software and their sharing of data, which is necessary for the software to be able to adequately protect the user. However, this does not mean that users give up all personal information to the vendor without consent. In collaboration with Connect-Living, independent testing organization AV-Comparatives recently tested 20 consumer security vendors, including ESET. Conducted an analysis of data sharing practices, policies, accessibility and transparency. ESET has emerged as one of the most popular vendors performersreceiving 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Choose a trusted vendor

Unfortunately, the issue of data privacy is a concern not only for individuals but also for governments. The recent TikTok bans are an example of this. Privacy is a crucial part of our online presence, more than ever. Therefore, it is very important to take it into consideration when choosing a security vendor.

ESET at the center of European digital security

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Of course, like any software company, security vendors must comply with the normative local and international. ESET (as an EU-based company) was one of the first cybersecurity companies to receive the seal from the European Cyber ​​Security Organization (ECSO).

Combining privacy and security, as can be done according to ESET Italia

The mark recognizes a company’s capabilities and commitment to protecting citizens, businesses and government agencies from cyber threats. Additionally, it highlights the quality and values ​​of security vendors. ESET does not shares data with third parties and prefers to process it within the European Union (EU). Since some of ESET’s cybersecurity research and development takes place in the EU, the company also meets the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), as well as local privacy regulations.

Why it is important to combine privacy and security

The procedures of usage data needs to be taken seriously, and making sure you choose a provider that is in line with what you are looking for is very important. Users should be cautious with the information they provide to companies of any kind, including how and what they collect and how it is used. User privacy is and will always be of the utmost importance to ESET.

For this reason the files identification personnel, such as images, documents and databases, are excluded by default from automatic uploads to ESET’s cloud analysis systems, in case unknown and suspicious behavior is detected. Of course, this list can always be expanded or reduced by both users and administrators. ESET is also one of the very few vendors that allow you to use cloud protection without having to contribute your own data.

It is essential to protect yourself both online and offline

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Because the digital world does expands and changes rapidly, our level of attention and respect for the issue must evolve together. It is crucial to remember that not only businesses, corporations and governments can fall prey to cybercriminals. The need to protect yourself in the online world is just as important as in the offline world. And just as you wouldn’t choose an inexperienced bodyguard, so should you trust about a security vendor that takes user privacy seriously.

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