Home » There is a risk of hardening of the arteries: popular foods can block the blood vessels

There is a risk of hardening of the arteries: popular foods can block the blood vessels

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There is a risk of hardening of the arteries: popular foods can block the blood vessels

Deposits of fat, cholesterol and calcium in the blood vessels clog arteries. The risk of circulatory problems, strokes, heart attacks and kidney damage also increases. The causes are varied, but the main one is poor nutrition. That’s why you should avoid these foods in particular.

In arteriosclerosis, deposits of fat and calcium form on the walls of blood vessels.

Circulatory disorders and cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks can result. In addition to high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, too much nicotine and alcohol, an unhealthy diet is also one of the causes. Find out which foods clog your blood vessels and increase your risk of atherosclerosis.

This is hardening of the arteries

Atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, develops slowly over the years and primarily affects older people. Deposits made of fat, cholesterol and calcium clog the vessels. Above all, an unhealthy lifestyle with poor nutrition promotes arteriosclerosis. Certain foods clog arteries and lead to vascular changes with serious consequences.

Every day, several thousand liters of blood are pumped through arteries and blood vessels to supply organs and cells in the human body with sufficient nutrients. Deposits and consequently narrowed or even blocked blood vessels make this circulation more difficult and lead to serious health consequences. The main reason for this is poor nutrition. At the top of the list of foods that clog blood vessels is processed meat.

Red meat – better consumed in moderation

Even if high-quality organic meat is safe, meat should be consumed in moderation. It is best to reduce meat consumption and minimize it to white poultry meat.

Because red meat (beef, veal, pork, sheep, lamb, goat, horse, rabbit and game) promotes the calcification of the blood vessels. Processed meat that is preserved by salting, smoking, curing or fermenting should also be avoided.

Processed meat, such as sausage, salami, bacon, ham or even burger patties made from minced meat, contain a large amount of salt, sugar, preservatives and additives as well as a lot of saturated fatty acids. These substances and acids cause the LDL cholesterol level in the body to rise rapidly and are deposited in the form of cholesterol on the walls of the blood vessels.

High-fat dairy products – contain a lot of cholesterol

Many studies have shown that high consumption of processed meat can have health consequences, such as cardiovascular disease or cancer. The German Society for the Prevention and Rehabilitation of Cardiovascular Diseases (DGPR) warns against increased consumption of sausage products, red meat and high-fat dairy products.

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Dairy products are rich in protein and other nutrients such as calcium, iodine, folic acid and vitamins A, D, E, B1, B2, B6 and B12. Fermented milk products in particular, such as yogurt, kefir or buttermilk, are very healthy because they regulate the intestinal flora with health-promoting probiotics. But particularly high-fat cheese, butter and whole milk also have a high proportion of saturated animal fatty acids.

That’s why dairy products such as butter, cream quark, double cream cheese as well as condensed milk and cream should only be eaten rarely or completely eliminated from the diet.

Whole milk and cream cheese should also only be consumed in moderation. The high cholesterol content, especially in high-fat cheese, butter and milk, increases the risk of hardening of the arteries and consequently heart disease.

Plant-based milk alternatives such as oat milk and low-fat cheeses such as goat or sheep’s milk cheese are less harmful to the blood vessels. These varieties have up to 50 percent less cholesterol compared to cheese made from cow’s milk. In addition, it is mainly the “good” cholesterol HDL.

Frozen pizza – contain trans fats

Trans fats can promote clogged blood vessels and coronary heart disease.

Ready meals such as frozen pizzas and lasagne also contain white flour instead of wholemeal flour, refined oils instead of virgin olive oil and too much salt and sugar as flavorings and preservatives.

In combination with trans fats, these substances promote inflammation in the body and lead to other diseases.

Industrial baked goods and sweets

Industrial baked goods and sweets should be reduced. Because these foods hardly contain any healthy fiber, but do contain a lot of trans fats, refined white flour and industrial sugar.

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This mixture promotes inflammation and clogged arteries in the body. Sugar in particular has an inflammatory effect and can cause long-term damage to blood vessel walls.

Products made primarily from refined white flour and sugar also increase the risk of obesity – a key factor in arteriosclerosis.

Because too much sugar stimulates fat production in the liver and increases fat levels in the blood. The result is increased cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes, which are among the causes of hardening of the arteries.

Sugary drinks

Cola, soda and sweetened iced teas – the sugary drinks are more dangerous than sweets or baked goods because they are much easier and can be consumed in large quantities every day.

Unlike sweet foods, soft drinks do not make you feel full. In a very short time, too much sugar ends up in the body, increasing the risk of obesity, diabetes and arteriosclerosis.

Fried foods

Also on the list of foods that clog blood vessels are fried foods. This is because inflammatory trans fats are created, especially when oil is heated vigorously and repeatedly.

That’s why fries, croquettes, schnitzels or pastries should only be consumed very rarely in order to keep cholesterol levels in check and prevent arteriosclerosis.

Vegetable oils should always be preferred over animal fats. But some vegetable oils also contain too high a proportion of omega-6 fatty acids and saturated fatty acids. Omega-6 from plant fat also has a vasoconstrictor effect, increases the tendency of blood to clot and can lead to blood clots in vessels.

Sunflower oil – in moderation

In addition to coconut oil, palm oil also has a high proportion of saturated fatty acids. Sunflower oil should also only be consumed in moderation because it contains around 120 times more omega-6 fatty acids than omega-3 fatty acids. The better choice is vegetable oils with lots of unsaturated fatty acids such as rapeseed or olive oil; linseed oil is a good source of omega-3.

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But which oil is best for frying and deep-frying? So-called high-oleic oils consist of a mixture of special sunflower, rapeseed and safflower varieties with a higher oleic acid content and are therefore ideal for cooking at high temperatures. Despite being cold pressed, the oils can withstand temperatures up to 210 degrees and are healthier than refined frying oils with trans fats due to the high proportion of monounsaturated fatty acids (up to 70 percent).

The following foods have a positive effect on your health

But the focus should not be on avoiding certain foods, but rather on a variety of healthy foods that have a positive effect on cleaning arteries.

This includes many products from the Mediterranean cuisine: fresh fruit and vegetables, nuts, legumes, fresh spices such as garlic, vegetable oils, fish and whole grain products reduce the risk of arteriosclerosis, according to scientific studies.

Healthy fatty acids prevent heart and vascular diseases and are found primarily in fatty fish such as salmon. Whole grain products are rich in fiber and thus bind cholesterol without the fatty substance being deposited on the vessel walls.

Nuts and seeds such as flaxseeds and walnuts also have a high proportion of omega-3 fatty acids and thus lower cholesterol levels.

Some types of fruit have a cleansing effect on the body. These include watermelon, grapes, berries (rich in flavonoids), avocado and pomegranates. Pomegranates in particular have a high antioxidant effect.

Apples are rich in procyanidins (flavanols), which not only keep arteries elastic but can also prevent blood clots. This natural substance is also found in green tea.

Certain vegetables also have a positive effect on the blood vessels. These include spinach, broccoli and chard, which lower blood pressure and have an anti-inflammatory and cleansing effect.

Plus point: The potassium and folic acid it contains also reduce the risk of a heart attack. Asparagus prevents clots in veins. Heated tomatoes are rich in lycopi, which prevents the oxidation of cholesterol and thus its deposition on blood vessel walls. Spinach also has this effect.

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