Home » Ate too many chocolate Easter bunnies? 5 things are good for your body right now

Ate too many chocolate Easter bunnies? 5 things are good for your body right now

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Ate too many chocolate Easter bunnies?  5 things are good for your body right now

It’s like with alcohol – you actually just wanted to drink a little, but in the end you completely overdo it. If your fingers end up in the candy bag, you need a lot of self-control.

If the sugar rush was once again greater than the discipline, the guilty conscience would appear the next day at the latest. Unfortunately, that’s not all. The disappointment is often accompanied by typical hangover symptoms. Nausea, digestive problems, headaches, listlessness and skin blemishes are not uncommon.

Why do you crave sugar so much?

However, there is only so much we can do to satisfy our sugar cravings. The popular flavor was born into us. This instinct protected our ancestors from poisonous foods when hunting and gathering.

Sweet fruits are generally harmless to health. Today we no longer have to pick our own food, but the urge for sugar remains – stupid.

Sugar Hangover: This is what you can do now

We then feel firsthand how bad too much of it is for our bodies. Similar to alcohol hangovers, there are also tips for sugar that can help you detoxify quickly.

1. Hot lemon

If too much unhealthy food ends up in the digestive tract, the digestive lemon helps to eliminate it as quickly as possible.

If you mix its juice with a warm glass of water, it promotes bile production, which as a side effect also activates fat burning.

2. Avoid dairy products

Milk, yoghurt, cream and cheese – just like sugar – are difficult to digest. In order not to “clog up” the body even further, it is better to avoid it during the day.

3. Cold shower

Rinsing your skull with ice-cold water isn’t just refreshing in the short term, it actually helps in the long term. The metabolism kicks into high gear due to the sudden cold. This has the advantage that toxins move out of the body more quickly.

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4. Don’t consume salt

Opposites attract – and so do sugar and salt. Anyone who eats a spicy meal often craves something sweet afterwards. In order to avoid renewed cravings for sugar, it is also important to avoid salt when detoxing.

5. Don’t exercise

Instead of punishing the overtaxed body with fitness, the key now lies in rest. Light walks or yoga help the most.

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