Home » To protect the joints and limit the risk of osteoarthritis, we could consume these 3 foods and walk 30 minutes a day

To protect the joints and limit the risk of osteoarthritis, we could consume these 3 foods and walk 30 minutes a day

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We have already discussed the fact that a sedentary lifestyle is a great enemy of our health.

It is among the causes of diseases such as obesity, as well as being co-responsible for muscle and circulation problems.

To the list of disadvantages, there is also the risk of coxarthrosis, the inflammation that affects the hip joint. Without forgetting any damage to other fragile areas such as knees and ankles.

With the seasonal humidity, then, joint disorders worsen, as the drop in temperatures would cause a reduction in the elasticity of the tissues. To avoid running into problems of this type it is therefore necessary to provide bones, muscles and cartilages with the correct nutrients.

So, to protect the joints and limit the risk of osteoarthritis, we could consume these 3 foods and walk 30 minutes a day.

The salmon

The first food to include in our diet is salmon, a source of vitamins, proteins and omega 3 fatty acids.

Among other benefits, these would be shown to combat rheumatoid arthritis, a chronic inflammatory disease that affects both large and small joints.

The olive oil

Even olive oil would be able to counteract inflammation, thanks to the contribution of polyphenols.

The avocado

Another ingredient not to be underestimated is avocado, which also goes very well with salmon, thus lending itself to delicious recipes.

Beyond its culinary use, this fruit stands out for containing a good amount of vitamin D, a precious ally for bone health.

To protect the joints and limit the risk of osteoarthritis, we could consume these 3 foods and walk 30 minutes a day

Proper nutrition is a good starting point for trying to prevent these ailments, but on its own it is not enough.

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When a joint is inflamed, it is mistakenly thought that it is necessary to keep it at rest so as not to tire it further.

Sports and walking

In reality, as long as you choose sports that do not involve trauma or excessive stress, it would be better to exercise.

Swimming, cycling, yoga or pilates are highly recommended activities, but if we really don’t have the time and desire, 30 minutes of brisk walking is enough.

Low impact exercises

Those who prefer not to challenge the seasonal weather can instead rely on these 3 simple exercises to do comfortably at home.

They are designed to be low-impact, that is, to avoid putting stress on cartilage, joints and joints.

Knee Tap to strengthen the abdomen

We extend our arms above the head; inhaling, we bend one leg and bring it towards the chest, touching the knee with the opposite hand.

We exhale to return to the starting position.


Next, we firm up the legs with the classic lunges. To safeguard the joint, we make sure that the knee never goes beyond the tip of the foot during the bend.

Finally, let’s discover the useful exercise to realign posture.

Table Touch

From the supine position, we raise the legs to form a 90 ° angle, taking care that the head remains resting on the ground.

From here, we first bring one leg and then the other to touch the floor with the tip of the foot, without forgetting to inhale and exhale regularly.

(The information in this article is for information purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)

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