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How to remove browser hijacker on Mac

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How to remove browser hijacker on Mac

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

A Mac is one of the best types of a computer out there and is a powerful piece of software. No matter if you use it for work or for personal use, there are many benefits to having a Mac. Yet such pieces of equipment are unfortunately still susceptible to hackers, browser hijacks, and malware being added to them. If you find that you have had your browser hijacked and it is affecting the way you use your Mac, it’s important to get it sorted as soon as possible. Here we run through the easy steps it takes for removing browser hijackers.

How do you get your browser hijacked on Mac?

There are a few different ways that you can, unfortunately, get your browser hijacked on Mac and it might not be easy to spot. It could be that you had an advertisement pop up that you clicked on and was actually malware, perhaps you interacted with someone that had a browser hijack and they sent you files, or it could be that you were sent it on a malicious email. No matter how you got it, the important thing is that it can be removed easily enough.

What is browser hijacking?

Browser hijacking is a type of malware that can take control of your web browser and will make your default one the one that your hacker wants you to visit. It will then allow the hacker to monitor what you do on the web and where you click. The information will then be used to tailor certain adverts to you, taking you to a suspicious website that generates them money. They could also log your keystrokes enabling them to steal your passwords.

How do you remove browser hijacking?

The first thing you need to do to sort a browser hijack is to change the search engine or browser back to what you use in your browser preferences. When here check if there are any extensions that have been added that seem suspicious or that you didn’t add yourself

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if you find one that fits this description, select “uninstall”.

In Chrome:

To do this in Chrome, you simply need to type chrome://extensions into the search bar and remove those that you don’t recognise. Then type chrome://settings and select “on startup” to decide on the page you wish to default as your browser.

In Firefox:

Launch Firefox and type about:addons before choosing and removing any suspicious extensions. Then go to about:preferences where you can set your default search engine and homepage choice.

There are also a number of different browser hijack programs that you can use to help you identify and remove the malware automatically. Be sure to do your research to find the one that is best for you. You can either choose free or paid ones with certain different features.

This is how you remove browser hijack from Mac. Have you had success in this in the past? Let us know!

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