Home » 3 exercises to do to effectively eliminate the fat accumulated on the buttocks and legs and be ready for the costume fitting

3 exercises to do to effectively eliminate the fat accumulated on the buttocks and legs and be ready for the costume fitting

by admin

Playing sports and training is well known, it is important both to have a more sculpted body, but above all to stay in good health. It improves blood circulation, fights water retention and helps prevent some ailments. To avoid annoying skin blemishes, it is essential not to have a sedentary life, without necessarily having to go to the gym. There is no need to have special tools, there are exercises that can, in a short time, help to obtain excellent results, if done in the right way. Having toned and muscular buttocks and legs is not an unattainable dream if we practice this training consistently for at least a month.

Here are the 3 exercises to do to effectively eliminate the fat accumulated on the buttocks and legs and be ready for the costume fitting.


An exercise that is always effective, challenging but very useful for toning the legs and buttocks in a short time. Standing, spread your legs slightly, place your hands on your hips or behind your neck. Bend your legs 90 degrees, as if to sit down, always keeping your back straight, pushing your buttocks back and keeping your abdomen in. Repeat the movement 20 times, then catch your breath for 30 seconds and again do another set of squats. The number of repetitions depends on the level from which you start, it will be good not to strain the body too much, but gradually get used to it.


The starting position is standing, hands on hips, keep your back perfectly straight, better to use a mirror to check your posture. Begin by raising the right knee and bring the leg forward while placing the foot. The leg that will remain behind will automatically bend until it almost touches the floor. Do 10 repetitions on one leg and then as many with the other, recover for 30 seconds and do another 2 series.

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Donkey kick

On all fours, legs parallel, slightly spread, belly in, bring one leg at a time back, keeping it bent, with the thigh parallel to the floor. Never arch your back and always check your breathing.

Remember to stretch your muscles both before doing the exercises and at the end, doing some stretching, to avoid pain and tearing.

These are the 3 exercises to do to effectively eliminate the fat accumulated on the buttocks and legs and be ready for the costume fitting.

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