Home » Surveys: FdI (24.1%) and M5s (12.1%) rise, Pd and Lega hold back and the Third pole does not break through. But to dominate is the party of abstained and undecided (42%)

Surveys: FdI (24.1%) and M5s (12.1%) rise, Pd and Lega hold back and the Third pole does not break through. But to dominate is the party of abstained and undecided (42%)

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Surveys: FdI (24.1%) and M5s (12.1%) rise, Pd and Lega hold back and the Third pole does not break through.  But to dominate is the party of abstained and undecided (42%)

If we went to the elections today, the center-right coalition – compared to the last survey – falls back to 47.3% (it was 48.5% last week) as well as the Center-left to 28.5% (it was 29.5% last week). This is what emerges from the Quorum / youtrend survey conducted for Skytg24. But to remain firmly in the lead as the first party, according to the survey of the polling institute, there is always FdI which in the polls rises very little to 24.2% (24.1% in the previous survey), followed by PD which, on the contrary, loses a few decimal places, at 21.9% (22.3%). Stable, or slightly under braking, the League which registers a 13.5% (13.8%) as it rises the M5S which according to Quorum / youtrend rises by one percentage point and obtains 12.1% (11,1%). FI is the fifth party at 8.1% (8.7%); followed by Action / Italia Viva 5.2% (5.3%), Italian Left / Green Europe at 3.5% (3.2%); ItalExit at 2.6% (2.5%); + Europe at 2.2% (2.9%); We Moderates at 1.5% (1.9%); Civic commitment is 0.9% (0.7%). While the share of undecided and abstentions grows to 42% from 38.8%. The method used was that of a survey of 1,000 interviews carried out between 2 and 4 September on a representative sample of the Italian population, divided by cross-gender and age shares, stratified by educational qualification and ISTAT division of residence. The general margin of error is +/- 3.1%, with a 95% confidence interval.

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by the editorial staff

The reference figures for Italians
According to the survey, the figures in which Italians place the most trust are still the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella (61%) and the outgoing Prime Minister Mario Draghi (54%). Giorgia party leaders follow Melons (39%); Giuseppe Conte (34%), Matteo Salvini (29%), Silvio Berlusconi (29%), Emma Bonino (25%), Henry Read (24%), Luigi Di Maio (18%), Carlo Calenda (19%) and Matteo Renzi (17%).

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The concerns of the Italians
But what are the issues that Italians are passionate about or worry about most? 90% of the respondents are worried about the arrival of winter and its consequences for the expensive bills. Furthermore, a resurgence of interest in the Ukraine question emerges, which from a political point of view creates a rift with a strong polarization between right and left. If the center-left voters are convinced that the choice to sanction Russia was right (71%) and with them also the voters of Lega (47%) and Forza Italia (52%) – albeit to a lesser extent – the voters of the Italy’s first party, the Brothers of Italy, with a dry majority claim that it was a mistake (55%). Instead, there is indecision about who to protect between the production system and citizens as a priority: 34% of Italians argue that priority should be given to citizens, 36% to industries. The ” industrialist ” vision is seen above all from the right (44% vs 30%) while on the left, the protection of citizens prevails (44% vs 40%). Only the voters of M5S (40% vs 31%) and Terzo Polo (48% vs 34%) are more clearly aligned with the citizens. In this situation, even the use of nuclear power acquires a new weight, in fact 45% of Italians consider it a viable possibility to invest in it to defend themselves from future energy crises, against 37% who deny it. Here, too, there is a split between the clearly “nuclearist” center-right (76%) in all its parties, as well as the voters of the Third Pole (84%). Opposite Center Left (47%) and 5 Star Movement (53%).

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